饼状图可以扩大或缩小实际数据的百分比;线性图可通过改变Y轴范围,强化图形的高峰和低谷;堆积图则可以利用下层数据的波动来改变上层数据的起伏…… 你还会相信亲眼所见的图表吗?本书为你还原各种图表的真实面目,揭开图表背后隐藏着不为人知的秘密。读懂这些小伎俩,看透误导人的鬼把戏,避免由此带来的各种损失。 -
《数学之旅·概率论和统计学:不明确的科学》比较系统地描述了数学领域的“新”学科概率论和统计学。这是两个比较注重应用的数学分支。概率论起源于文艺复兴时期吉多拉莫·卡尔达诺以及伽里略的赌博活动和棋盘游戏,又因费马和帕斯卡尔的定理产生了广泛的影响;概率论是衡量某个特殊事情的结果或推测其可能性的道理;统计在数据收集、制表和系统分类,尤其在预测未来趋势时能够发挥作用。 -
《帕尔格雷夫世界历史统计:欧洲卷1750-1993(第4版)》内容简介为:一、《帕尔格雷夫世界历史统计:欧洲卷1750-1993(第4版)》是三卷本《世界历史统计》的“欧洲卷”,覆盖了欧洲全部主要国家和政治体自1750年以来社会经济基本指标的可查连续统计数据。连同该书的“亚洲、非洲和大洋洲卷”以及“美洲卷”,《世界历史统计》是国际学术界第一本全面覆盖近代以来并延续至今的世界各地区和各主要国家及政治体的详尽统计数据汇编,可广泛用于经济研究、历史研究和国际研究等所有社会科学领域,毫无疑问将成为社会科学各学科的研究者和学习者必不可少的参考工具书。 二、《世界历史统计•欧洲卷》的全部统计指标分为十大类,它们是: A 人口和生命统计 B 劳动力 C 农业 D 工业 E 对外贸易 F 交通通讯 G 财政金融 H 物价 I 教育 J 国民账户 在每一大类标题下细分各个具体的统计指标,例如:除了全国人口数之外还有国内地区人口数统计指标;工农业产量统计数据分别按基本产品划分;“财政金融”包括银行体系和政府税收;“国民账尸”除了有各国国内生产总值,还有各国各主要产业部门的比重以及对外收支数据等等。除了这些全书统一编排的统计数据之外,编著者还根据所掌握的最新统计发现和研究资料,针对若干国家或若干时期补充列出参考性数据,帮助读者进一步了解相关信息。 -
The Theory That Would Not Die
Drawing on primary source material and interviews with statisticians and other scientists, "The Theory That Would Not Die" is the riveting account of how a seemingly simple theorem ignited one of the greatest scientific controversies of all time. Bayes' rule appears to be a straightforward, one-line theorem: by updating our initial beliefs with objective new information, we get a new and improved belief. To its adherents, it is an elegant statement about learning from experience. To its opponents, it is subjectivity run amok. In the first-ever account of Bayes' rule for general readers, Sharon Bertsch McGrayne explores this controversial theorem and the human obsessions surrounding it. She traces its discovery by an amateur mathematician in the 1740s through its development into roughly its modern form by French scientist Pierre Simon Laplace. She reveals why respected statisticians rendered it professionally taboo for 150 years - at the same time that practitioners relied on it to solve crises involving great uncertainty and scanty information, even breaking Germany's Enigma code during World War II, and explains how the advent of off-the-shelf computer technology in the 1980s proved to be a game-changer. Today, Bayes' rule is used everywhere from DNA decoding to Homeland Security. "The Theory That Would Not Die" is a vivid account of the generations-long dispute over one of the greatest breakthroughs in the history of applied mathematics and statistics. -
The History of Statistics
Review Journal of Modern History : The book is a pleasure to read: the prose sparkles; the protagonists are vividly drawn; the illustrations are handsome and illuminating; the insights plentiful and sharp. This will remain the definitive work on the early development of mathematical statistics for some time to come. --Lorraine J. Daston Science : An exceptionally searching, almost loving, study of the relevant inspirations and aberrations of its principal characters James Bernoulli, de Moivre, Bayes, Laplace, Gauss, Quetelet, Lexis, Galton, Edgeworth, and Pearson, not neglecting a grand supporting cast...The definitive record of an intellectual Golden Age, an overoptimistic climb to a height not to be maintained. --M. Stone New York Times Book Review : One is tempted to say that the history of statistics in the nineteenth century will be associated with the name Stigler. --Morris Kline Contemporary Psychology : In this tour de force of careful scholarship, Stephen Stigler has laid bare the people, ideas, and events underlying the development of statistics...He has written an important and wonderful book...Sometimes Stigler's prose is so evocative it is almost poetic. --Howard Wainer Review Stigler's book exhibits a rare combination of mastery of technical materials, sensitivity to conceptual milieu, and near exhaustive familiarity with primary sources. An exemplary study --Lorraine Daston -
计量史学研究入门,ISBN:9787301215029,作者:霍俊江 著