《客服圣经》主要内容:您的企业是否遭遇过这样的问题:看似满意的客户,一旦看到对手的促销和折扣,跑得比谁都快……总是有客户抱怨企业的电话服务机械化、反应迟钝,打个电话还要颇费周折……精心设立的企业网站,不但没有降低服务成本,反而招致服务不周的骂名……想要倾听客户心声,发出去的意见反馈卡却石沉大海,没有回音……使出浑身解数也不能安抚失望的客户,只能眼睁睁地看着口碑受损,客户流失……《客服圣经》向你展示了一个清晰、实用的培养赢得客户满意和忠诚所需的技能、态度和思维模式的过程。这一过程包括获得以下态度和技能:高度关注客户服务所面临的机遇和挑战。收集强化绩效之反馈意见的意愿和能力,调动客户积极性的具体行为,实现卓越服务的电话沟通技巧,创建让客户满意的友好型网站、个性化电子邮件以及明晰的书面讯息的能力,应对及挽回不满意客户的工具,理解超越客户期待的重要意义,在价值、信息、便利性和速度方面超越客户期待的具体技巧,由此营建更高的客户忠诚度,领导、拓展和授权服务过程的能力,个人成功和职业成功的具体行为,追求服务卓越中管理他人的技巧。 -
Diffusion of Innovations, 5th Edition
Diffusion of Innovations
New concepts, new ideas, and new objects diffuse through a society in a fairly predictable, multi-stage process over an indeterminate period of time. In recent years many social scientists representing various disciplines have accepted the methods and findings of diffusion research and it has attained legitimacy and prominence. To make these findings more easily accessible, Musmann and Kennedy have compiled a useful and timely bibliography which contains over 2,300 entries, most of which were published after 1970. Relevant articles and monographs in English were located by the compilers through systematic searches of online data bases and printed indexes. A few foreign language citations are also included here. The interdisciplinary nature of the diffusion model has allowed social scientists to document and illustrate social transformations in diverse fields. Recently, the processes of technology transfer and technological change have come under scrutiny by social scientists. Historically, technological innovations have played a major role in the development of advanced industrialized nations. Therefore, their diffusion, even in one society, often involves significant social changes to both habitat and economy, and should be a well-watched barometer. Following an illuminating introduction, thirteen separate chapters provide full bibliographical citations for studies in various disciplines including: anthropology, business and economics, geography, history, psychology, and technology, among others. Another chapter is devoted to bibliography and research methods, and author and subject indexes complete the volume. The most comprehensive document of its kind in print, Diffusion of Innovations should find a place in most libraries, especially those collecting materials in communications, education, sociology, and the health sciences. -
《消费者心理学》(第3版)内容主要包括:分析消费者获取消费信息,产生消费需要与动机、形成购买决策、享受消费价值、获得消费体验时结束的完整过程;分析消费者的个性对消费心理的影响;介绍消费群体的心理特点;分析商品、营业环境、广告宣传、社会环境等因素与消费者心理之间的关系等。书中所选案例丰富,介绍的研究方法具有较强的实用性。 -
Predictably Irrational
Why do smart people make irrational decisions every day? The answers will surprise you. Predictably Irrational is an intriguing, witty and utterly original look at why we all make illogical decisions. Why can a 50p aspirin do what a 5p aspirin can't? If an item is "free" it must be a bargain, right? Why is everything relative, even when it shouldn't be? How do our expectations influence our actual opinions and decisions? In this astounding book, behavioural economist Dan Ariely cuts to the heart of our strange behaviour, demonstrating how irrationality often supplants rational thought and that the reason for this is embedded in the very structure of our minds. Predicatably Irrational brilliantly blends everyday experiences with a series of illuminating and often surprising experiments, that will change your understanding of human behaviour. And, by recognising these patterns, Ariely shows that we can make better decisions in business, in matters of collective welfare, and in our everyday lives from drinking coffee to losing weight, buying a car to choosing a romantic partner. 点击链接进入中文版: 怪诞行为学:可预测的非理性(升级版) -
本书由绪论、消费者个体与消费心理、消费者群体与消费者心理的影响因素、营销策略与消费心理等知识模块构成,共17章。为了便于教师教学和学生阅读,书中结合当代社会生活中的热点,在每章安排了引例和章后的典型案例,此外还在止文中穿插了大量实例,拓宽了读者的视野。 本书可作为普通高等教育市场营销相关专业的教材,也可供企业营销人员培训或自学使用。