《国际关系:理论历史与现实》是一本独特的以散文体风格写就的国际关系学基础教材和人文素质教育读本。作者比较系统、全面地阐述了国际关系学的基础知识,展示了国际关系的宏伟图景和发展脉络,揭示了国际关系的内在价值和精神。全书遵循兼容并蓄的原则,力求吸纳各家观点,全面、客观地反映国际关系学的研究现状及学术发展前沿,同时结合众多国人所熟知的历史典故或关心的世界热点问题,深入浅出地进行了阐释。书中的语言生动活泼,通俗易懂,可读性与趣味性极强。 诚如作者所说,今天,国际关系不仅涉及国家间关系,而且与每个人的生活、就业、事业发展等各方面息息相关。在世界这个大舞台上,《国际关系:理论历史与现实》的每一位读者都不是看客,而是其中的角色。 我们真诚地希望读者能在轻松地阅读《国际关系:理论历史与现实》的过程中,了解国际关系学研究什么问题,已经取得哪些研究成果,当前面临哪些新问题,解决这些问题的困难是什么,以及学者为解决这些问题所提供的思路,等等。 总之,我们希冀《国际关系:理论历史与现实》能成为一把打开国际关系学领域大门的“钥匙”,引导读者进入充满神奇和魅力的国际关系学殿堂。 -
宋伟编著的《国际关系理论——从政治思想到社会科学》致力于回答如下一些问题:什么是理论?什么是社会科学理论?什么是好的社会科学理论?怎样创造和锤炼出好的社会科学理论?具体到国际关系领域,国际关系学科为什么会超越政治哲学和国际法范畴成长为一门独立的社会科学?主流国际关系理论如何符合了社会科学的标准,有着怎样的政治思想基础?其理论概念、逻辑和推论如何?通过回答这些问题,《国际关系理论——从政治思想到社会科学》希望理清国际关系学科的主要知识体系,从社会科学方法论的角度说明国际关系理论的源流和结构,努力建立一种清晰、准确和系统的学科观念。 -
《国际关系理论(第3版修订增补本)》对当今国际关系理论作了全面的回顾与总结,在学术和历史的大视角下,对国际关系的各种主要理论范式作了全面的介绍,对国际关系学的各个领域进行逐一剖析。每一章的最后带有相关书目。 《国际关系理论(第3版修订增补本)》为第三版修订增补本,对前一个版本中所有分析文章以及参考书目在都进行了更新,并在新增的第四部分,对国际关系领域理论与实践之间的关系以及21世纪初国际风云变化对国际关系学理论带来的挑战作出了分析。 -
International Relations Theories
Brings together perspectives from leading authors to provide students with an authoritative and accessible insight into the subject. Combines theory and practice through extensive case study sections at the end of each chapter, providing students with the opportunity for debate and discussion. Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect new developments in the field. Provides an extensive range of pedagogical features throughout to facilitate student learning. Accompanied by a comprehensive online resource centre comprising a flashcard glossary, revision guide, web links, figures and tables from the book, and PowerPoint slides. New to this edition New chapter on Normative International Relations Theory, replacing the chapter on International Political Theory New 'key text' box outlining a key text in the subject for each chapter Drawing on a wealth of expertise from an international team of contributors, the second edition of International Relations Theory presents a diverse selection of theoretical positions, from historically dominant traditions through to powerful critical voices since the 1980s. Each chapter explains the theoretical background to the position taken, and outlines how and why the theories are relevant. Students are encouraged to analyse and debate the issues presented in the text before deciding which of the theories they believe to be most useful when explaining and understanding international relations. The text is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre providing additional resources for lecturers and students. -
Occupational Hazards
A 2009 Choice Magazine "Outstanding Academic Title" Few would contest that the U.S. occupation of Iraq is a clear example of just how fraught a military occupation can become. In Occupational Hazards, David M. Edelstein elucidates the occasional successes of military occupations and their more frequent failures. Edelstein has identified twenty-six cases since 1815 in which an outside power seized control of a territory where the occupying party had no long-term claim on sovereignty. In a book that has implications for present-day policy, he draws evidence from such historical cases as well as from four current occupations—Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq—where the outcome is not yet known. Occupation is difficult, in Edelstein's view, because ambitious goals require considerable time and resources, yet both the occupied population and the occupying power want occupation to end quickly and inexpensively; in drawn-out occupations, impatience grows and resources dwindle. This combination sabotages the occupying power's ability to accomplish two tasks: convince an occupied population to suppress its nationalist desires and sustain its own commitment to the occupation. Structural conditions and strategic choices play crucial roles in the success or failure of an occupation. In describing those factors, Edelstein prescribes a course of action for the future. -
《美国对外政策(第2版·修订增补本)》全景式地介绍了美国对外政策的形成机制。几位作者从美国宪法、行政体系研究出发,结合美国政治学和国际关系学的各种研究方法,从制定原则、制定机制和制定主体等视角对美国对外政策进行了深入透彻的剖析。他们不仅揭示了美国对外政策的基础,描述了美国对外政策的机制,而且详细介绍了各类主体及它们在美国对外政策制定过程中所发挥的作用。 几位作者提出在美国的国际承诺中存在某种锁定效应:一旦美国出现在某个地区,它就难以完全放弃它在那里的作用和责任,其对外政策倾向于承担更多的责任和实现更大的集中度。这种机制加强了美国在国际体系中的中心地位,也有助于美国形成某些持久的对外政策特点。同时美国的对外政策也体现出一些规律:内倾加稳定和外倾加扩张阶段的交替;权力总统化和国会与市民社会权力上升的交替:乐观干预主义和悲观保守主义的交替:偏好对抗和偏好和解的交替。 美国的对外政策是多种机制、多方主体、多项因素共同作用下的产物。尽管美国总统代表所有美国人对外发出唯一的声音,但是美国对外政策的制定过程无疑是一个多方主体参与、经过充分辩论、领导者审慎决策的过程。美国并非铁板一块,只是辩论各方的意见最终都汇总到作为决策中枢的总统,由他加以对外表达罢了。