本书的书名是《把苦难收入行囊》,这是因为书中所描述的,基本上与作者个人童年时代所遭受的苦难有关。对于一个旅居美国多年的人来说,作者的人生仿佛是一段连续的旅程。同时,往日的苦难就好像是旅途中一直携带的行囊一般,那是作者不愿也不能忘却的东西。另一方面,这是一本有关“走出”白色恐怖的书。这本书所记录的大多是半个世纪以来,作者自己家人和某些亲戚、师长、朋友们所经历的真实故事。同时本书也叙述了作者自己自我追寻和自我反省的过 -
执教于美国耶鲁大学的孙康宜教授多年来一直兼顾中国古典文学的教学与研究,在该领域的中英文文本之间游弋已久。她与苏源熙(Haun Saussy)率先主编中国古代女作家诗词及相关评论的大部头英译选集,又与宇文所安(Stephenowen)领衔主编出版了巨著《剑桥中国文学史》。孙康宜所著的《孙康宜自选集——古典文学的现代观》所收的十多篇学术论文涉及孙教授在编译选集、撰述新史过程中个人的心得洞见、边缘论题和最新探索的生荒领域,其中对文学史的分期问题、明清文学中一向被忽视的作家和作品以及中国古代女性作者的地位问题等,均做了饶有趣味的探讨。另外,《孙康宜自选集——古典文学的现代观》还收入专题演讲一篇以及访谈录数篇,其耐人咀嚼之处,别开户牖之境。 -
Cambridge History of Chinese Literature
The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature
China has one of the longest continuous literary traditions in the world. From the beginnings of the Chinese written language to the lively world of internet literature, these two volumes tell the story of Chinese writing, both as an instrument of the state and as a medium for culture outside the state. The chapters, organized chronologically, treat not only poetry, drama, and fiction, but also historical writing and other prose forms. Written by internationally recognized experts in the field, the History frequently challenges current scholarship, from taking recent archeological discoveries into consideration to understanding Chinese modernity not as a sudden rupture with the past but as part of a longer process. The History offers both an integrated narrative, situating literature in its larger cultural context, and an overview of the key developments of the past millennia accessible to non-specialist readers as well as scholars and students of Chinese. Contents Volume I: Introduction; 1. Early Chinese literature: beginnings through Western Han Martin Kern; 2. From the Eastern Han through the Western Jin (AD 25–317) David Knechtges; 3. From the Eastern Jin through the Early Tang (317–649) Xiaofei Tian; 4. The Cultural Tang (650–1020) Stephen Owen; 5. The Northern Song (1020–1126) Ronald Egan; 6. North and South: the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Michael Fuller and Shuen-fu Lin; 7. Literature from the Late Jin to the Early Ming: ca. 1230–ca. 1375 Stephen H. West; Bibliography; Glossary; Index; Volume II: Introduction; 1. Literature of the Early Ming to Mid-Ming (1375–1572) Kang-i Sun Chang; 2. The literary culture of the Late Ming (1573–1644) Tina Lu; 3. Early Qing to 1723 Wai-yee Li; 4. The Literati Era and its demise (1723–1840) Shang Wei; 5. Prosimetric and verse narrative Wilt L. Idema; 6. Chinese literature from 1841 to 1937 David Der-wei Wang, Jing Tsu and Michel Hockx; 7. Chinese literature from 1937 to the present Michelle Yeh, Jing Tsu and Michel Hockx; Bibliography; Glossary; Index. -
【内容简介】 2005年3月7日,初春的北京乍暖还寒,人们身上的冬装尚未脱尽,而北大英杰交流中心内却已是一片春意。“比较视野中的传统与现代——北大—耶鲁比较文学学术论坛”在这里顺利召开。在此后两天半的时间里,以北大、耶鲁为主的40余位来自中国大陆、香港、美国各大院校的学者们济济一堂,大家就共同关心的议题发表己见,切磋讨论。会议最后还特意用半天时间举行了专场圆桌讨论。在这种面对面、直接、平等的跨文化对话中,北大—耶鲁比较文学学术论坛顺利闭幕。. 北京大学与耶鲁大学长期以来一直存在着密切的学术合作与交流关系。本次会议不仅进一步推进了两校业已存在的友谊与合作,而且用一个当今世界共同关心的话题 ——“传统与现代”——聚合起了以两校为主的中美双方学者,帮助大家从传统透视现代,并以现代意识激活了对传统的认识。呈现在读者面前的这本论文集,就是对当时那场认真、深入的跨文化对话的真实记录。... -
本书的观念架构系以诗体的发展为主,所标举的文体研究系建立在两个基设之上:其一,诗体的演进乃时代新美学与文化观的反应;第二,诗体的根本意义植基于其恒动的演化史上。本书重点在处理词史早期大约二百五十年的时间范畴希望能借此彰显词独特的结构原则。本书的骨干围绕词的两个层面撑起。首先,就词的整体性而言,我们必须从其独特的形式(如平仄与分片的原则),从其结构(亦即构词方式),或从其功能(如主、客体的关系)来分析。其次,追踪分析文类发展的历时性面向,从“史”的观点追索历代大词家之间的联系。 “词”是通俗文学直接瀹启下的产物,在发展成“体”之前,乃为通俗曲词或娱众佳音。而词人不断把通俗曲词化为文人词的努力,在词体的发展史上亦辙迹分明。本书第一章主要论点在此。 接下来研究了五位大词家,都是词史早期的代表人物:温庭筠、韦庄、李煜、柳永与苏轼,从中窥见词的发展过程。