《民族志:步步深入》介绍了此类旅行中的一条道路,目的是让其他研究者享受他们的旅行并抵达目的地。《民族志:步步深入》如同一次旅行见闻讲座,它标示并探讨了每个民族志学者即将面临的主要界标。民族志不是闲暇一日的丛林漫游,而是在社会交往的复杂世界的探索之旅。 -
Doing Fieldwork in China
Doing fieldwork inside the PRC is an eye-opening but sometimes also deeply frustrating experience. In this volume scholars from around the world reflect on their own fieldwork practice to give practical advice and discuss more general theoretical points. The contributors come from a wide range of disciplines such as political science, anthropology, economics, media studies, history, cultural geography, and sinology. The book also contains an extensive bibliography. -
本博士论文是获得2014年度余天休社会学年度论文奖五篇中的一篇,获奖的原因,笔者认为大致有几个方面:一、扎实细腻的田野资料,获得了大量珍贵的第一手材料。二、作者以艾 滋 病 病患者为研究对象,表达了学术勇气。三、作者所具有的娴熟的理论素养以及研究视野和问题意识。 作者积极地和吸 毒或贩 毒人员密切接触,把凉山彝区的艾 滋 病问题跟整个社会的全球化、市场化和现代化以及由此带来政治经济发展不平衡联系起来,使论文获得极大成功。本书以艾 滋 病重灾区凉山州昭觉县竹核片区伍合村为重点田野点,探讨了改革开放以来凉山彝族 海 洛 因和艾 滋 病问题发生、发展、后果、地方和国家应对以及这些议题背后的文化逻辑和社会动力。作者总结出,艾 滋 病 问题既是民族地区自身社会转型失败之痛,也是国家-社会、传统与现代、城市与乡村、汉族-少数民族等多重结构关系调适失败之后果,更是伴随着现代化、市场化和全球化的发展带来的政治经济不平衡在民族地区的集中体现。 -
Sex at Dawn
In this controversial, thought-provoking, and brilliant book, renegade thinkers Christopher Ryan and Cacilda JethÁ debunk almost everything we “know” about sex, weaving together convergent, frequently overlooked evidence from anthropology, archaeology, primatology, anatomy, and psychosexuality to show how far from human nature monogamy really is. In Sex at Dawn , the authors expose the ancient roots of human sexuality while pointing toward a more optimistic future illuminated by our innate capacities for love, cooperation, and generosity. -
《一个中国村庄:山东台头》是关于中国最古老农业区一个典型村庄全面而详尽的研究。这个村庄是作者的家乡,凭着对那里人们生活的熟悉和公正,作者写出了这本书。家庭生活、村内冲突、庄稼种植和孩子游戏只是他所描写的乡村生活诸多内容中的几个方面。 -
Learning to Labor
Hailed by the "New Society" as the "best book on male working class youth," this classic work, first published in 1977, has been translated into several foreign languages and remains the authority in ethnographical studies.