Extreme Beauty
Received Second place in the Popular Culture category given by ForeWord Magazine Over time and across cultures, shifting concepts of beauty have given rise to extraordinary fashions that constrict, enhance, minimize, or exaggerate various zones of the human body. This stimulating book displays and discusses an array of such extreme fashion practices, from the bound feet of aristocratic Manchu women to the tea-tray supporting bustle of an 1880s French visiting dress. “This well-produced, heavily illustrated volume makes costume history accessible and, indeed, entertaining.”—Colin McDowell, Sunday Times (London) “Enlightening and very readable.”—Library Journal “A landmark study of human customs and foibles in remarkable photos and intriguing text that show us what is and has been ‘in’ around the world.”—Susan Swartout, Big Muddy: A Journal of the Mississippi River Valley -
现在,告诉您一个奇迹,让您体验一位绘画大师的创作快乐和真谛。在“300年前”的一个小小的快乐镇里,衣冠楚楚的绅士驾着十八世纪的四轮马车正风风火火地奔向阿道贝照相馆,一部情景化的大型Photoshop交互式教学影片《照相馆的故事》正在上演。浑厚、震撼心灵的旋律伴随精彩绝伦的流动画面使人目不暇接,风格别致、哥特式和巴洛克式的建筑楼群,生机盎然的非洲部落村庄,雪花飘飘、宏伟壮观的日本富士山,世界八大奇迹之一埃及金字塔前的狮身人面像,罗马的凯旋门,美国的自由女神,美丽可人的海底热带鱼,兽中之王狮王艳后,潺潺流水、风景如画的中国风……。这是由北京希望电脑公司总策划、中央美术学院电脑美术工作室、鉴君再现的世界创作室历时一年倾力开发、奉献给广大读者的世纪极品:这是一部以Photoshop为主演的经典图书,进入电脑美术的奇幻世界从这里开始!与图书配套的、里面盛装着数不清的“珍珠玛瑙”的三张光盘内容包括:千禧1号奶油碟通过16个精彩例子,用情景化的交互式教学方式,教你学习从绘画知识到平面广告的诸多知识;千禧2号草莓碟通过20个精彩例子,教你学习从数码浮雕、数码版画到插图绘制等诸多知识,感受做时空旅游者的乐趣;千禧3号汉堡碟通过20个精彩例子,教你学习从装修透视到网页动画等诸多令人耳目一新的动感知识。与光盘配套的经典彩色书由十三幕组成:第一幕:万物的鼻祖――几何形体(绘画入门Photoshop入门篇);第二幕:带冰块的可乐罐(广告应用篇,Photoshop深入学习);第三幕:美味啤酒(质感应用篇,Photoshop进入中级阶段的学习); 第四幕:信息天使――蜻蜒电话(浪漫幻想创作篇Photoshop由中级阶段转入高级阶段);第五幕:羊皮卷:(Photoshop由中级阶段向高级阶段的过渡学习)绘画中尝试使用色彩;第六幕:唯吾知足――一枚银币(浮雕技法篇)Photoshop进入高级阶段的学习;第七幕:发行“自己王国”的钱币(版画技法以及Photoshop高级阶段的学习); 第八幕:时空旅行――罗马帝国(建筑画技法篇,Photoshop应用);第九幕:时代的号角吹响了!(全动画篇)从平面设计师向动画师进军(影片与Photoshop);第十幕:(插图部分)王老师的画室(电脑绘画语言的探索); 第十一幕:(绘画部分)狮王艳后(毛皮质感的技法); 第十二幕:热带鱼(绘画的应用); 其中第十一幕“狮王艳后”和第十二幕“热带鱼”采用随本书赠送的开心扫描卡进行学习。 本作品让您通过56个欢快、浪漫的实例学习,发现原来您也可以创作出大师级的作品,也可以成为Photoshop专家;手持“开心扫描卡”,电脑绘画更轻松;“史画卷”+“交响诗”,开创了情景教学之先河。《照相馆的故事》带您进入神秘魔幻的世界,更多的意外和惊喜等着您去挖掘!您还等什么?!赶快先睹为快吧! 本作品面向从事电脑美术设计和创作的广大专业人员、非专业人员,在电脑上追求人类美好事物的千千万万个家庭中的中年人、青年人和祖国的花朵。愿《照相馆的故事》伴您度过人生快乐的每一分钟! -
小型纸品的设计,使平面设计师找到了可以真正发挥创造才能的机会。本书提供的近千幅图例,很多是在不需要满足客户要求的情况下,由设计师们无拘无束地发挥创意精心设计的。书中含有大量精彩的设计理念和灵感。独特的材料和与众不同的处理方法极大地影响了作品秘要传递的效果。 这是一本从无先例的作品收藏集,是信息传递品设计的必备参考。设计师们从中可以找到创作的灵感。 -
《全球一流文案:32位世界顶尖广告人的创意之道》是一本不可多得的经典文案之书。 32位全球一流文案写手亲口讲述他们独特的工作方法与程序。他们来自这个地球上广告业最发达的国家,在O&M、DDB、Saatchi、JWT等全球知名的广告公司工作,服务过的客户近千个。32位文案大师的从业时间加起来足够写一部广告史。至于所获奖项,只能用不计其数来形容。每一位顶尖文案大师对写作广告文案之道的个人忠告,每位作者都提供了自己文案生涯中最得意的作品,全书收纳的大师最得意文案作品超过200件。 -
100 Years of Fashion Illustration
A visual feast of 400 dazzling images, this is a comprehensive survey of the genre over the last century. The book also offers an overview of the development of fashion, as seen through the eyes of the greatest illustrators of the day. Early in the century fashion illustration reflected new, liberating currents in art and culture, such as the exoticism of the Ballets Russes, while the postwar period saw inspiration from the great Parisian couturiers. After the dominance of the celebrity fashion photographer in the '60s, a new generation of illustrators emerged, embracing the medium of the computer, while many returned to more traditional techniques. -
Penguin by Design
Ever since the creation of the first Penguin paperbacks in 1935, their jackets have become a constantly evolving part of Britain's culture and design history. Rich with stunning illustrations and filled with detail of individual titles, designers and even the changing size and shape of the Penguin logo itself, this book shows how covers become design classics. By looking back at seventy years of Penguin paperbacks, Phil Baines charts the development of British publishing, book cover design and the role of artists and designers in creating and defining the Penguin look.Coupling indepth analysis of designers - from Jan Tschichold to Romek Marber - with a wide-ranging look at the range of series and titles published - from early Penguins and Pelicans, to wartime Specials, fiction and reference, this is a distinctive picture of how Penguin has consistently established its identity through its covers, influenced by - and influencing - the wider development of graphic design and the changing fashions in typography, photography, illustration or printing techniques. Filled with inspiring images, "Penguin by Design" demonstrates just how difficult it is not to judge a book by its cover.