One Day, All Children...
"A diary for a social entrrepreneur, an inspiring how-to guide for young people with big dreams, a thoughtful tale of the ups and downs of a decade at the stunningly successful non-profit organization"-- New York Times From her dorm room at Princeton University, twenty-one-year-old college senior Wendy Kopp decided to launch a movement to improve public education in America. In One Day, All Children... , she shares the remarkable story of Teach For America, a non-profit organization that sends outstanding college graduates to teach for two years in the most under-resourced urban and rural public schools in America. The astonishing success of the program has proven it possible for children in low-income areas to attain the same level of academic achievement as children in more privileged areas and more privileged schools. One Day, All Children... is not just a personal memoir. It's a blueprint for the new civil rights movement--a movement that demands educational access and opportunity for all American children. -
《社会部门中的企业家精神》涵盖了社会企业的一系列活动,重点关注社会企业家精神的形成过程。《社会部门中的企业家精神》介绍和发展了社会企业组织的概念,指出社会企业最大的特点是有社会使命,以及把社会管理途径与企业管理途径进行创新性的组合。①我们对社会企业家精神的定义是,发生在非营利机构、商业部门或政府部门之内或之间的创新、创造社会价值的活动。在形成可持续的社会企业家精神的倡议过程中所面临的机遇和挑战,不仅需要应用商业技巧让社会企业适应其运作环境,而且要针对社会部门中的企业家精神专门开发全新的概念框架和战略。为此,《社会部门中的企业家精神》不仅选用了当今社会企业家精神领域的先进理念和实时数据,还基于多年研究和教学经验提出了全新框架。我们的目标不单是希望通过《社会部门中的企业家精神》增加学生、教师以及业内人士对社会企业家精神的兴趣,并加深理解,也希望能够使社会企业家切实有效并可持续地完成其使命。 -
社会企业家的战略工具,ISBN:9787509720875,作者:(美)迪斯 等著 -
How to Change the World
How to Change the World provides vivid profiles of social entrepreneurs. The book is an In Search of Excellence for social initiatives, intertwining personal stories, anecdotes, and analysis. Readers will discover how one person can make an astonishing difference in the world. The case studies in the book include Jody Williams, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for the international campaign against landmines she ran by e-mail from her Vermont home; Roberto Baggio, a 31-year old Brazilian who has established eighty computer schools in the slums of Brazil; and Diana Propper, who has used investment banking techniques to make American corporations responsive to environmental dangers. The paperback edition will offer a new foreword by the author that shows how the concept of social entrepreneurship has expanded and unfolded over the last few years, including the Gates-Buffetts charitable partnership, the rise of Google, and the increased mainstream coverage of the subject. The book will also update the stories of individual social entrepreneurs that appeared in the cloth edition. -
贫穷有可能消除吗?世界的每一个角落都能享受到医疗服务吗?所有国家的儿童都能享受良好的教育吗?目前这些似乎都无法实现,但《如何改变世界》中的故事表明,事实上,我们可以以某种令人难以置信的方式改变世界。 本书是社会企业领域的权威经典著作,已在20多个国家出版,激励一代人点燃社会变革的火花。社会企业作为一种新型企业模式,旨在用商业手段解决社会问题;它超越了简单意义上的慈善,寻求一种可持续发展的社会民生问题解决之道。社会企业与社会创新在国外很多国家已经有较大发展,在中国也快速兴起,未来必定成为热门。本书生动描述了许多这样的社会企业家的经历、故事——无论是给巴西村民传送太阳能,为印度的残疾人扩大就业机会,还是创建一个家庭医护网络服务于南非贫困的艾滋病患者,社会企业家开创了解决问题的新模式,这将重塑21世纪。 此次新版,不仅更新了个体企业家的故事,作者还撰写了新的前言,向我们展示了社会企业家的概念在过去的几年中是如何扩大并慢慢展开的。从学生到政界领袖,从公益机构从业者到企业家、金融家,从专业人士到退休潮一代,所有有志于投身社会企业、改变世界的人,都会从书中得到启示。 -