目前,媒体的数字化给营销人带来了重大影响。新媒体世界具有多重特性,它赋予企业大量机会,同时也带来挑战。营销人有了数量空前的方式来与消费者互动。然而,许多人面对变革的速度感到压力巨大,而且不知道该如何完全发挥这些新选择所带来的优势。 本书为读者提供了如何运用主要数字媒体渠道的方法;随附了领先的营销人如何在工作中有效运用这些渠道的最佳案例;提供了数字营销的十二个基本原则;协助数字营销人了解什么是数字营销必须做的,什么是绝对不能做的。本书也给出了完整的数字营销策划架构,协助读者制订自己的数字营销计划。 -
“纳斯和李维斯过去十年一直致力于研究社会对技术的反应。我们邀请他们加入我们的团队,他们向我们展示了一些令人惊人的事物。” ——比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),微软公司总裁及首席执行官 “这是一项非常出色的探索,具有观点的描述,显示了惊人的内涵。处处反映出未来我们必须与机器共享实际应用和深刻的启示。对任何关心媒体发展趋势的人来说,本书都是必读材料。” ——保罗·沙夫( -
The Filter Bubble
In December 2009, Google began customizing its search results for each user. Instead of giving you the most broadly popular result, Google now tries to predict what you are most likely to click on. According to MoveOn.org board president Eli Pariser, Google's change in policy is symptomatic of the most significant shift to take place on the Web in recent years-the rise of personalization. In this groundbreaking investigation of the new hidden Web, Pariser uncovers how this growing trend threatens to control how we consume and share information as a society-and reveals what we can do about it.Though the phenomenon has gone largely undetected until now, personalized filters are sweeping the Web, creating individual universes of information for each of us. Facebook-the primary news source for an increasing number of Americans-prioritizes the links it believes will appeal to you so that if you are a liberal, you can expect to see only progressive links. Even an old-media bastion like T -
Grown Up Digital
The third volume in the internationally bestselling McKinsey Trilogy, The McKinsey Engagement is an action guide to realizing the consistently high level of business solutions achieved by the experts at the world’s most respected consulting firms. Former consultant Dr. Paul Friga distills the guiding principles first presented in the bestselling The McKinsey Way and the tested-in-the-trenches methodologies outlined in The McKinsey Mind, and combines them with many of the principles and procedures implemented by the military and other organizations. The result is nothing less than the business equivalent of a Special Forces Field Manual. True to its stated goal of arming consultants and corporate problem solvers with a blueprint for achieving consistently phenomenal results, The McKinsey Engagement is short on theory and long on action. Each chapter focuses on one element in the celebrated TEAM FOCUS problem-solving model and features a concise discussion of a key concept or principle, followed by: Clear rules of engagement A set of operating tactics Sophisticated problem solving tools Easy-to-follow action steps Exercises, checklists, and training tips War stories and best practices case studies A toolkit for bringing clarity, discipline, and purpose to all your problem-solving and change management initiatives, The McKinsey Engagement is an indispensable guide for consultants, as well as for executives, managers, students, and corporate trainers. -
面对社交网络尤其是微博的流行,企业如何应对?本书是作者多年从事网络营销实战的总结,揭示了社会化媒体如何改变了营销和企业运营的规则,系统总结了社会化媒体营销及新营销,介绍了各种不同的社会化媒体,包括社交网络、微博、博客、视频、百度百科、BBS 等,并对如何在实际工作中应用众多社会化媒体工具给出了具体的指导。涉及到社会化媒体的定义、新营销策略、营销方法论、社会化媒体营销评估、移动互联网与新营销、社会化媒体与商业。 对中国的广大企业来说,本书所讲述的内容非常有价值,可以帮助企业通过社会化媒体营销提升销售业绩、品牌美誉度。本书适合对社会化媒体、网络营销、电子商务感兴趣,想低成本在网上销售、推广的读者,尤其适合大专院校网络营销及电子商务专业的学生、 网络营销从业人员、向互联网化转型的传统企业 -
世界上的公司已经察觉了信息的价值,而且正努力去控制它的生产、传送和消费。在本书中,丹·希勒探索了信息快速商品化的途径,及其与其他商品的不同与相似之处。通过一系列相关联理论的、历史的和 当代的研究,希勒揭示,这种商品化过程既具动态性也具扩张性,而且充满冲突和不确定性。 作者调查了发生在信息领域的具有转型性质的政治和经济变化,分析了这个过程的关键维度,包括新信息平台的建立、跨国文化产业的成长,以及中国在重新进入信息化全球资本主义过程中所扮演的角色。