Political Thought and History
The history of political thought : a methodological inquiry Working on ideas in time Verbalizing a political act : towards a politics of speech Political ideas as historical events : political philosophers as historical actors The reconstruction of discourse : towards the historiography of political thought The concept of a language and the métier d'historien : some considerations on practice Texts as events : reflections on the history of political thought Quentin Skinner : the history of politics and the politics of history The origins of study of the past : a comparative approach Time, institutions and action : an essay on traditions and their understanding The historian as political actor in polity, society and academy The politics of history : the subaltern and the subversive The politics of historiography. -
Visions of Politics (Volume 1)
The first of three volumes of essays by Quentin Skinner, one of the world's leading intellectual historians. This collection includes some of his most important philosophical and methodological statements written over the past four decades, each carefully revised for publication in this form. In a series of seminal essays Professor Skinner sets forth the intellectual principles that inform his work. Writing as a practising historian, he considers the theoretical difficulties inherent in the pursuit of knowledge and interpretation, and elucidates the methodology which finds its expression in his two successive volumes. All of Professor Skinner's work is characterised by philosophical power, limpid clarity, and elegance of exposition; these essays, many of which are now recognised classics, provide a fascinating and convenient digest of the development of his thought. Professor Skinner has been awarded the Balzan Prize Life Time Achievement Award for Political Thought, History and Theory. Full details of this award can be found at http://www.balzan.it/News_eng.aspx?ID=2474 -
The Foundations of Modern Political Thought
A two-volume study of political thought from the late thirteenth to the end of the sixteenth century, the decisive period of transition from medieval to modern political theory. The work is intended to be both an introduction to the period for students, and a presentation and justification of a particular approach to the interpretation of historical texts. Quentin Skinner gives an outline account of all the principal texts of the period, discussing in turn the chief political writings of Dante, Marsiglio, Bartolus, Machiavelli, Erasmus and more, Luther and Calvin, Bodin and the Calvinist revolutionaries. But he also examines a very large number of lesser writers in order to explain the general social and intellectual context in which these leading theorists worked. He thus presents the history not as a procession of 'classic texts' but are more readily intelligible. He traces by this means the gradual emergence of the vocabulary of modern political thought, and in particular the crucial concept of the State. We are given an insight into the actual processes of the formation of ideologies and into some of the linkages between political theory and practice. Professor Skinner has been awarded the Balzan Prize Life Time Achievement Award for Political Thought, History and Theory. Full details of this award can be found at http://www.balzan.it/News_eng.aspx?ID=2474 -
世纪的英国革命是人类历史中的一个重大事件,其影响远远超过了英国的范围。与此同时,近代英国的政治思想界也十分活跃,产生了以约翰· 洛克、托马斯·霍布斯和大卫。休谟等人为代表的著名思想家,在西方政治思想发展史上令人瞩目。西方学界对此研究十分深入,尤其是约翰·波考克的成就最为突出,对学界的影响极大。 《近代英国政治话语》是一本研究英国近代早期政治思想和政治理论的论文集。杰出的西方思想史学家J.G.A.波考克提出的思想和论及的问题成其为核心,其余16位作者均为这个研究领域的著名西方学者,从不同的角度对波考克的思想和理论作了卓有见地的探讨和评论。所探讨的问题均为英国在近代早期占重要地位的理论与实践问题,包括:反暴君论、古代政制、阿明尼乌主义、“公民科学”、议会主权、托马斯·霍布斯的世俗宗教、詹姆士 ·啥林顿的共和主义、马基雅维里的《君主论》、辉格主义、洛克的《政府论两篇》、大卫·休谟的思想等等。波考克本人亲自撰文“主权话语:对于作品的进一步考察”,对各篇论文作了高屋建瓴的评论。 -
《概念变迁与美国宪法》内容简介:主权、国家、道德、共和、民主、宪法……这些构成政治生活和政治语言的核心概念并非一成不变,特别是在重大的政治变革时期,它们的含义都会发生重要的变迁在美国革命和立宪时期激烈的政治论争当中,上述概念都被重铸,从而形成了一套独特的美国政治用语《概念变迁与美国宪法》所收录的一系列学者的文章,分别对上述概念的含义在这一历史时期所发生的变化进行了剖析,从而有助于理解概念变化的方式,以及政治概念变迁与政治变革之间的诸种关系 -
公元16世纪和17世纪之交,政治话语经历了一场巨大的转变,堪称“政 治学革命”。像所有重大的革命一样,这场革命波及全欧洲,并且广泛地涉 及思想和道德领域。不仅“政治”这个概念的含义和使用范围发生了变化, 而且政治学的地位、政治教育的作用和有关政治自由的价值观都发生了变化 。这场革命导致了“政治”地位的贬损。在这之前的三个世纪里,政治一直 被供奉在人类科学中最高尚的位置。从这场革命开始,政治逐渐被认为是一 种卑鄙、堕落和肮脏的行为:它不再是反击腐败的利器。相反地。它成为与 腐败沆瀣一气的伎俩。这本《从善的政治到国家理由》由莫瑞兹奥·维罗里 所著,郑红翻译,正是从思想演变的角度,介绍了这场革命的来龙去脉。 《从善的政治到国家理由》适合政治学爱好者阅读。