Political Thought and History

J. G .A. Pocock


J.G.A.Pocock 政治哲学 思想史 剑桥学派


Cambridge University Press

The history of political thought : a methodological inquiry Working on ideas in time Verbalizing a political act : towards a politics of speech Political ideas as historical events : political philosophers as historical actors The reconstruction of discourse : towards the historiography of political thought The concept of a language and the métier d'historien : some considerations on practice Texts as events : reflections on the history of political thought Quentin Skinner : the history of politics and the politics of history The origins of study of the past : a comparative approach Time, institutions and action : an essay on traditions and their understanding The historian as political actor in polity, society and academy The politics of history : the subaltern and the subversive The politics of historiography.


