本书原著是美国畅销的经典商务沟通教程。作者详细介绍了如何构造正式与非正式的沟通网络,如何选择最合适的沟通渠道,如何处理多元文化及组织文化对沟通的影响,如何妥善利用沟通中的语言与非语言信息,如何有效倾听,如何建立积极的人际关系、应对批评、管理冲突以及顺利谈判,如何准备面试,如何在集体与团队中与他人合作如何有效开会,如何培养表达能力,如何在演讲中组织观点、设计结构以及针对不同类型演讲有效传播信息等内容。可供传播学、公共关系、经济管理等相关专业师生教学使用,同时可作为其他专业用以培养学生人际交往、商务沟通能力的通识教材,也是一般职场人士实现自我提升的重要参考书。 -
Women Don't Ask
When Linda Babcock asked why so many male graduate students were teaching their own courses and most female students were assigned as assistants, her dean said: "More men ask. The women just don't ask." It turns out that whether they want higher salaries or more help at home, women often find it hard to ask. Sometimes they don't know that change is possible--they don't know that they can ask. Sometimes they fear that asking may damage a relationship. And sometimes they don't ask because they've learned that society can react badly to women asserting their own needs and desires. By looking at the barriers holding women back and the social forces constraining them, "Women Don't Ask" shows women how to reframe their interactions and more accurately evaluate their opportunities. It teaches them how to ask for what they want in ways that feel comfortable and possible, taking into account the impact of asking on their relationships. And it teaches all of us how to recognize the ways in which our institutions, child-rearing practices, and unspoken assumptions perpetuate inequalities--inequalities that are not only fundamentally unfair but also inefficient and economically unsound. With women's progress toward full economic and social equality stalled, women's lives becoming increasingly complex, and the structures of businesses changing, the ability to negotiate is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Drawing on research in psychology, sociology, economics, and organizational behavior as well as dozens of interviews with men and women from all walks of life, "Women Don't Ask" is the first book to identify the dramatic difference between men and women in their propensity to negotiate for what they want. It tells women how to ask, and why they should. -
《如何提问(第2版)》有助你出正确的问题,学会利用正确的问方式得到有的答案。无论在面试、评价或简单的意见沟通过程中,所有管理人员都需要磨练其提问技能。 -
《九步成为演讲高手》主要内容包括:你还在为即将到来的演讲感到怕恐不安吗?你还在担心因为准备不到位导致听众弃你而去吗?翻开《九步成为演讲高手》,这些问题都将不复存在。这本不可思议、妙趣横生的演讲实用指南,必定会改变你思考和演讲的方式,是每一个人都需要并确实值得拥有的工具。它向我们展示了在演讲中怎样才能抓住听众,使演讲摆脱枯燥乏味,变得与众不同,令人难以忘怀。 你可以和你见到过的最出色的演讲家一样优秀。你所要做的,只是学习怎样去开发利用你的才能,怎样运用最有效的技巧,《九步成为演讲高手》便为你提供了九个最实用、最独特的技巧,帮助你更好地与听众沟通,让你成为一名更加自信、有活力、成功的演讲者! -
How to Argue & Win Every Time
The Laws of Arguing According to Gerry Spence 1. Everyone is capable of making the winning argument.2. Winning is getting what we want, which also means helping "others" get what they want.3. Learn that words are a weapon, and can be used hostilely in combat.4. Know that there is always a "biological advantage" of delivering the TRUTH.5. Assault is not argument.6. Use fear as an ally in pubic speaking or in argument. Learn to convert its energy.7. Let emotions show and don't discourage passion.8. Don't be blinded by brilliance.9. Learn to speak with the body. The body sometimes speaks more powerfully than words.10. Know that the enemy is not the person with whom we are engaged in a failing argument, but the vision within ourselves. -
“慧泉国际”管理书系——中国企业的智慧源泉。当今中国最受欢迎、最具影响力的实战型管理教育大师余世维通过本书为读者激情演绎数千万中国管理者最迫切需要掌握的沟通技巧。沟通为什么如此重要?沟通为什么如此困难?如何让沟通成为公司的竞争优势?如何建立起公司里的“沟通文化”?如何解开公司里沟通的死结?如何在工作中与上司、同事和下属顺畅有效地沟通?有效沟通的最重要原则是什么?最有效的沟通方法是什么?最重要的沟通行为是哪一项?沟通需要什么“通道”?……余博士将为读者一一解答。 当今中国最受欢迎、最具影响力的实战型管理教育大师余世维通过本书为读者激情演绎数千万中国管理者最迫切需要掌握的沟通技巧。沟通为什么如此重要?沟通为什么如此困难?如何让沟通成为公司的竞争优势?如何建立起公司里的“沟通文化”?如何解开公司里沟通的死结?如何在工作中与上司、同事和下属顺畅有效地沟通?有效沟通的最重要原则是什么?最有效的沟通方法是什么?最重要的沟通行为是哪一项?沟通需要什么“通道”?……余博士将为读者一一阐述。全书案例鲜活生动,分析鞭辟入里,使读者在尽享余博士幽默风趣的培训风格之余,更有醍醐灌顶、如饮甘露之感。本书将是市场上最受欢迎的最精练实用的职场管理人士培训读本之一。