《不上班的活法》内容简介:中国有句俗语叫做:“365行,行行出状元。”在竞争激烈的今天,很多人都在为自己的生计而发愁,也有很多人为自己在工作中无法施展拳脚而苦恼。很多人在工作中迷失了方向,也有很多人对生活失去了信心……如果说刚才所说的都是对目前的活法一种消极的表现,那么为什么不尝试一下不去上班,但又能让自己活得很好的方法呢? -
想知道豆瓣和雕刻时光怎样互动?豌豆荚手机精灵的团队如何创业?宠物约会怎样诞生?或是我们熟悉的街旁、知乎、以及伟大的唐茶计划是如何开始的?那么快展开这本有关移动互联网创业的对话录吧!作为国内最为出色的新锐blog媒体,爱范儿精心挑选了在移动互联网业内颇具影响力的17支新生代创业团队——雕刻时光,街旁,知乎、泼墨书房,天使湾,丁香园等等,通过轻松的对话,让创业者们回忆并讲述了自己将梦想变成现实的美妙过程。这些年轻人用自己的实际行动,为有梦的人插上翅膀。 -
《我的PE观:资深创业投资人陈玮的十年投资心路》内容简介:经济的高速增长,商业模式的快速变化,为近20年的中国带来了数不胜数的创业机会,也使得中国的投资业风起云涌。每一家迅速成长的企业背后,都有着投资的助力。获得投资也成为创业企业获得快速增长的关键。但是疯狂追逐Pre-IPO项目的高额回报,投资人和管理者之间的职责不清,让中国PE蒙上了一层灰色的迷雾。 “创投老兵”,最早从事创业投资的元老、中国创业投资十佳基金管理人、中国杰出风险投资家、中国十大最具影响力的风险投资家、中国最佳创业投资人,东方富海投资董事长陈玮先生,向你讲述十年投资心得,归纳出中国式投资逻辑和要点,为投资者和创业者提供可借鉴的经验。 -
The Start-up of You
A blueprint for thriving in your job and building a career by applying the lessons of Silicon Valley’s most innovative entrepreneurs. The career escalator is jammed at every level. Unemployment rates are sky-high. Creative disruption is shaking every industry. Global competition for jobs is fierce. The employer-employee pact is over and traditional job security is a thing of the past. Here, LinkedIn cofounder and chairman Reid Hoffman and author Ben Casnocha show how to accelerate your career in today’s competitive world. The key is to manage your career as if it were a start-up business : a living, breathing, growing start-up of you . Why? Start-ups - and the entrepreneurs who run them - are nimble. They invest in themselves. They build their professional networks. They take intelligent risks. They make uncertainty and volatility work to their advantage. These are the very same skills professionals need to get ahead today. This book isn’t about cover letters or resumes. Instead, you will learn the best practices of Silicon Valley start-ups, and how to apply these entrepreneurial strategies to your career. Whether you work for a giant multinational corporation, a small local business, or launching your own venture, you need to know how to: * Adapt your career plans as you change, the people around you change, and industries change. * Develop a competitive advantage to win the best jobs and opportunities. * Strengthen your professional network by building powerful alliances and maintaining a diverse mix of relationships. * Find the unique breakout opportunities that massively accelerate career growth. * Take proactive risks to become more resilient to industry tsunamis. * Tap your network for information and intelligence that help you make smarter decisions. A revolutionary new guide to thriving in today's fractured world of work, the strategies in this book will help you survive and thrive and achieve your boldest professional ambitions. The Start-Up of You empowers you to become the CEO of your career and take control of your future. -
The Art of the Start
What does it take to turn ideas into action? What are the elements of a perfect pitch? How do you win the war for talent? How do you establish a brand without bucks? These are some of the issues everyone faces when starting or revitalizing any undertaking, and Guy Kawasaki, former marketing maven of Apple Computer, provides the answers. The Art of the Start will give you the essential steps to launch great products, services, and companies—whether you are dreaming of starting the next Microsoft or a not-for-profit that’s going to change the world. It also shows managers how to unleash entrepreneurial thinking at established companies, helping them foster the pluck and creativity that their businesses need to stay ahead of the pack. Kawasaki provides readers with GIST—Great Ideas for Starting Things—including his field-tested insider’s techniques for bootstrapping, branding, networking, recruiting, pitching, rainmaking, and, most important in this fickle consumer climate, building buzz. At Apple, Kawasaki helped turn ordinary customers into fanatics. As founder and CEO of Garage Technology Ventures, he has tested his iconoclastic ideas on real- world start- ups. And as an irrepressible columnist for Forbes , he has honed his best thinking about The Art of the Start . -