Be your better self
本书涵盖了MBA申请的方方面面:选校,Resume写作,推荐人选择,Essay构思与写作,Interview准备等,并给针对申请各个环节给出非常具有操作性的指导建议,这是一本你可以在申请的各个阶段拿出来反复读一读的MBA申请指导书。 书中同时包括Harvard、Stanford、MIT Sloan、Kellogg、Chicago Booth、Wharton、Tuck、UC-Berkeley Haas、Columbia、NYU Stern、Yale、Michigan Ross、Darden、Duke Fuqua、UCLA Anderson等共十五所Top Business School校友/在校生访谈,对于申请者了解学校和写why MBA会非常有帮助。 -
《图谋职场:思维导图实战手册(全彩)》内容简介:思维导图是一本开启大脑的使用说明书。无论您是谁,您都会发现思维导图是快速提升工作效率的绝佳思考工具,您随时随地都可以获得它的帮助。无论是目标设定、时间管理、资源分配、创新思考、会议报告,还是人生规划,您都可以运用思维导图在一张纸上把它完整、清晰地展示出来。在任何关键时刻,即使是再错综复杂的事情,思维导图都可以给您最有力的支持! 《图谋职场:思维导图实战手册(全彩)》详细介绍了思维导图在职场中的应用,并附带了大量的练习。无论您是初学者还是老用户,通过《图谋职场:思维导图实战手册(全彩)》的学习,您都可以利用思维导图在职场中把握重点、精炼想法,让自己成为不可或缺的职场达人。 《图谋职场:思维导图实战手册(全彩)》适合职业经理人、白领,以及所有的上班族阅读。 -
Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?
ARE YOU SMART ENOUGH TO WORK AT GOOGLE? guides readers through the surprising solutions to dozens of the most challenging interview questions. The book covers the importance of creative thinking, ways to get a leg up on the competition, what your Facebook page says about you, and much more. ARE YOU SMART ENOUGH TO WORK AT GOOGLE? is a must read for anyone who wants to succeed in today's job market. -
”餐巾纸系列“全面来袭!全新24开本图精致诠释,传授视觉化思考有趣秘笈,化繁为简、解决一切商业难题! ★ 编辑推荐: “餐巾纸沟通力之父”丹•罗姆经典畅销作品,开启视觉化思维狂潮! 《打开餐巾纸》教你在面对商务难题时打开“内心的眼睛”,只要会画最简单的圆圈、方块和小人,就可 以解决沟通中的一切难题。 《打开餐巾纸》告诉你,你所遇到的所有看似再复杂的难题都逃不出6种框架,只需要用6种图就能将所有难题轻松解决。 开始实践吧,几笔简单的手绘图,就能让你看待世界的方式从此焕然一新! ★ 内容简介: 翻开《打开餐巾纸》,只需4天,每天一课,让你完成“看-观察-想象-展示”的完整视觉化思维旅程! 难以置信,一张餐巾纸上曾诞生过这样的伟大创想: 一个三角形,开创了美国航空业的运输方式; 一条抛物线,让美国总统里根的经济政策流传至今; 两个小圆圈,就能解释为什么微软当年几近疯狂地去收购雅虎! 继《餐巾纸的背面》一书在全球范围内掀起视觉化思维的热潮之后,作者丹•罗姆在前作基础上创作了这本“实用手册”《打开餐巾纸》。书里会提到前作中介绍的各种工具和操作技巧,不过这次,它们将一起派上用场,帮助你一步一步落实画图解决难题的整个过程。 你将学会6种全新的观察世界的方式;你所遇到的所有问题都能用6种图来解决。如果说《餐巾纸的背面》是画图解决难题的敲门砖,那么这本《打开餐巾纸》则是一份不可或缺的指南。如果你相信自己能用画图来解决问题,那么请在翻开《打开餐巾纸》的同时打开一张餐巾纸,4天之后你就会惊叹:看!我的手绘图可以改变世界! -
本书用轻松简洁的语言阐述了一个经理良好的思维方式对事业和个人成功的重要性。本书将使您对5个思维技巧――形势判断:现在应采取什么;原因分析:寻找根源;决策技巧:现在应采取什么措施;制定计划:决策成功的保证;创新:创造更好的事物――有一个透彻的理解。综合这5个思维技巧将使您成为新型领导。 -
The 4-Hour Work Week
Tim Ferriss has trouble defining what he does for a living. Depending on when you ask this controversial Princeton University guest lecturer, he might answer: ‘I race motorcycles in Europe’ ‘I ski in the Andes’ ‘I scuba dive in Panama’ ‘I dance tango in Buenos Aires’ He has spent more than five years learning the secrets of the ‘New Rich’, a fast-growing subculture that has abandoned the ‘deferred-life plan’ and instead mastered the new currencies – time and mobility – to create a new way of living. Why wait a lifetime for your retirement when you can enjoy luxury now? Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing first class world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with no management, or just living more and working less, this book is the blueprint. Join Tim Ferriss as he teaches you: - How to outsource your life to overseas virtual assistants for $5 per hour and do whatever you want - How blue chip escape artists travel the world without quitting their jobs - How to eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist - How exchange your career for life for short work bursts and frequent ‘mini-retirements’ - How to train your boss to value performance over presence, or kill your job (or company) if it’s beyond repair - How to cultivate selective ignorance – and create time – with a low-information diet - How to get free housing worldwide and airfare at 50-80% off - How to fill the void and create a meaningful life after removing work and the office Learn about this and more to live the life you want – now.