Behind the Red Door
A sexual revolution is underway in China. Traditional morals and behavior are being turned on their head as the country’s climb towards economic prosperity brings sex into the open. But it is a revolution distinctly different from the one experienced in the West and has taken unexpected twists and turns. Written in a highly engaging and readable style, Behind the Red Door: Sex in China takes the reader on a journey from ancient days, when China’s rulers relied on shockingly vivid Daoist sex manuals, to the present, where China is torn between sexual orthodoxy and Western-style openness. -
The Making of the English Working Class
"Thompson's book has been called controversial, but perhaps only because so many have forgotten how explosive England was during the Regency and the early reign of Victoria. Without any reservation, The Making of the English Working Class is the most important study of those days since the classic work of the Hammonds."-- Commentary "Mr. Thompson's deeply human imagination and controlled passion help us to recapture the agonies, heroisms and illusions of the working class as it made itself. No one interested in the history of the English people should fail to read his book."--London Times Literary Supplement -
Anxious Wealth
Who exactly are China's new rich? This pioneering investigation introduces readers to the private lives—and the nightlives—of the powerful entrepreneurs and managers redefining success and status in the city of Chengdu. Over the course of more than three years, anthropologist John Osburg accompanied, and in some instances assisted, wealthy Chinese businessmen as they courted clients, partners, and government officials. Drawing on his immersive experiences, Osburg invites readers to join him as he journeys through the new, highly gendered entertainment sites for Chinese businessmen, including karaoke clubs, saunas, and massage parlors—places specifically designed to cater to the desires and enjoyment of elite men. Within these spaces, a masculinization of business is taking place. Osburg details the complex code of behavior that governs businessmen as they go about banqueting, drinking, gambling, bribing, exchanging gifts, and obtaining sexual services. These intricate social networks play a key role in generating business, performing social status, and reconfiguring gender roles. But many entrepreneurs feel trapped by their obligations and moral compromises in this evolving environment. Ultimately, Osburg examines their deep ambivalence about China's future and their own complicity in the major issues of post-Mao Chinese society—corruption, inequality, materialism, and loss of trust. -
《战后日本社会阶层构造的变迁》是一部有关战后日本社会阶级构造变迁的简明读本。在书中,作者将现代日本的社会差距问题置于战后日本的整个历史脉络中,并通过各种数据来描述作为社会现象而存在的阶级差距,进而透过这些数据来分析解读其背后的阶级构造。 -
本书选择20世纪30至90年代,依不同时段,就社会制度大变革与农民的婚育行为、家庭结构规模及生存条件变动的相互关系作出阐述,从中显示出不同时期的变化特征,把因和果,制度和政策、环境等问题联结在一起,作了极好的论述,既具有实践价值,也是一种重要的理论探索。 书中讨论的着眼点是冀南农村,但社会制度的变动与华北乃至全国都是相同的,所以透过这个点的剖析,对考察华北和全国都具有普遍意义。 将历史与现实问题相结合、历史学方法与人口学方法相结合研究婚姻家庭行为是王跃生治学的一大特点。本书将所考察的对象从时间上分为土地革命之前、土地改革到高级社、从高级社到人民公社以及联产承包责任制以来四个时期,这样的分期是得当的,充分展示和体现了社会变革的过程和各相关阶段,所得出的颇具说服力的若干结论,相信也是经得起历史检验的。 -
人类学家在研究道德话语时会感到特别棘手,因为叙述与检验一种文化的道德话语很容易被误解为要对那种话语所暗示的“道德”进行评判,而这恰恰不是人类学家的使命所在。但是,在文化种类多样、范围宽广的中国,研究道德话语却十分必要。改革开放以来,中国的经济生活与伦理价值观发生了剧烈变化。在不少国人眼中,传统的道德体系已经趋于瓦解。那么,留存于中华文化达千百年之久的道德话语是否也跟着消失了呢? 在《饮水思源(一个中国乡村的道德话语)》中,欧爱玲教授对广东梅县客家乡村——月影塘的田野调查发现,当地人有关道德互惠的观念并未就此冻结。作为它们表现形式和外在内容的道德话语,反而随着时间推移与环境场域的革新不断进化,有时甚至超越一般意义上的等级秩序指向而变得极富弹性。月影塘的故事,或许正是城镇化经济辐射之下乡村社会关系在特殊文化背景中动态演变的缩影。