金岳霖是中国哲学知识沦研究领域的开拓者。《知识论》围绕“以经验之所得还治经验”这一主旨,自觉地将逻辑分析方法严格而系统地运用于哲学研究,特别注重思想的清晰性和论证性,系统地论述了知识的来源、知识的形成以及知识的可靠性、衡量真假的标准等问题。弥补了中国知识论不发达的缺陷,改变了中国传统哲学文本的写作模式。 -
What is This Thing Called Knowledge?
What is Knowledge? Where does it come from? Can we know anything at all? This lucid and engaging introduction grapples with these central questions in the theory of knowledge, offering a clear, non-partisan view of the main themes of epistemology including recent developments such as virtue epistemology and contextualism. Duncan Pritchard discusses traditional issues and contemporary ideas in thirteen easily digestible sections, including: the value of knowledge the structure of knowledge virtues and faculties perception testimony and memory induction scepticism. What is this thing called Knowledge? contains many helpful student-friendly features including study questions, annotated further reading, a glossary and a guide to web resources. Clear and interesting examples are used throughout. This is an ideal first textbook in the theory of knowledge for undergraduates taking a first course in philosophy. -
New and thoroughly updated, Epistemology: An Anthology continues to represent the most comprehensive and authoritative collection of canonical readings in the theory of knowledge. Concentrates on the central topics of the field, such as skepticism and the Pyrrhonian problematic, the definition of knowledge, and the structure of epistemic justification Offers coverage of more specific topics, such as foundationalism vs coherentism, and virtue epistemology Presents wholly new sections on 'Testimony, Memory, and Perception' and 'The Value of Knowledge' Features modified sections on 'The Structure of Knowledge and Justification', 'The Non-Epistemic in Epistemology', and 'The Nature of the Epistemic' Includes many of the most important contributions made in recent decades by several outstanding authors -
《知识论读本》内容简介:知识论乃哲学的入门之学。作为一切知性活动的奠基性事业,它本身也已经历了两千多年的探险历程。《知识论读本》按照历史发生的顺序,精心甄选了西方哲学史上卓有建树的哲学家在知识论事业的披荆斩棘中凝结而成的经典著述。这些著述广泛涉及知识的定义和性质、知识的来源、知识获得的手段、知识的范围和条件、知识的效力等一系列令人疑惑而又具高度挑战性的知性问题。追踪这些问题,探寻这些问题的解决之道,比较、研判诸多解决方案的优劣得失,不仅有助于在训练敏锐头脑的过程中开拓知性视野、提升知性能力,而且有助于在追随知识反思的探险中了悟终极实在,丰饶人类心灵。 -