《健身跑:唤醒身体的潜能》的作者是专业知识丰富的长跑专家呦,他们的建议和指导会让您受益终生的。跑步是世界公认的最经济、最安全、最自由的健身方式,并且对人类多种常见疾病有预防和辅疗的作用。 -
美國鐵人三項國家隊跑步訓練的官方教材 “姿勢跑法”的訓練精華 掌握關鍵跑步姿勢 借助重力跑得更快的訣竅 兩腿快速轉換的技巧 善用肌肉彈力不受傷的秘訣 -
The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer
亚马逊跑步类排名第一的书籍,针对从来没有参加过马拉松的普通人制定的16周训练计划,没有时间目标,仅以跑完第一次马拉松为锻炼目标的温和的训练指导计划。 Product Description Athlete. Runner. Marathoner. Are these words you wouldn't exactly use to describe yourself? Do you consider yourself too old or too out of shape to run a marathon? But somewhere deep inside have you always admired the people who could reach down and come up with the mental and physical strength to complete such a daunting and rewarding accomplishment? It doesn't have to be somebody else crossing the finish line. You can be a marathoner. The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer is based on the highly successful marathon class offered by the University of Northern Iowa, which was featured in a Runner's World article titled "Marathoning 101." The class has been offered five times over 10 years, and all but one student finished the marathon. That is approximately 200 students -- all first time marathoners and many with absolutely no running background. This book follows the same 16-week, four-day-a-week workout plan. What makes the success rate of this program so much higher than any other? The special emphasis on the psychological aspects of endurance activities. You don't have to love to run -- you don't even have to like it -- but you have to realize that you are capable of more than you have ever thought possible. One participant in the program explained it like this: "I'm doing this for me -- not for others or the time clock. I just feel better when I run, plus it helps me to cope with things in general. The skills we've learned in this class don't apply just to marathoning -- they apply to life! Just like you never know what the next step in a marathon will bring, so too, you never know what will happen next in life. But if you don't keep going, you're never going to find out. By staying relaxed, centered, and positive you handle just about anything that comes your way." This is marathon running for real people, people with jobs and families and obligations outside of running. The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer has proven successful for men and women of all ages. Now let it work for you. -
跑步时,你是否总是气喘吁吁、喘不上气,还总岔气?心率带太紧/松、手表的嘀嘀声,这些是否总在打断你的步伐?你是否想把这些扔在家里,来一场只有自己的奔跑? 在本书中,《跑者世界》健身教练、罗代尔集团健身主管巴德•科茨详细地解释了革命性呼吸法——韵律呼吸,此外: 除了针对初跑者的启动跑步计划,还有分别针对5公里到10公里、15公里到半 程马拉松,以及全程马拉松的比赛训练计划,其中每种都有ABCD四个级别,使用者可以根据自己的水平来进行选择,而且每个计划里都注明了韵律呼吸强度。 介绍了跑坡训练、交叉训练、力量训练和越野跑的训练方法、拉伸方法,以及应该如何进行比赛。跑坡训练可以与之前给出的训练计划结合进行;交叉训练包括了游泳、自行车、蹦床以及一些器械训练;力量训练包含了呼吸肌的训练以及使用巴德自己发明的“核心滑块训练”。 运用巴德的韵律呼吸方法,你可以在不知不觉中加强对自身的探索与觉察,达到身心的和谐统一,尽情享受在路上奔跑的每一刻! -
你是否是一个跑步发烧友?是否因为跑步膝、骼胫束综合征、腘绳肌拉伤、足底筋膜炎、外胫夹、肌肉痉挛等等各种熟悉的跑步问题不得不中断自己的跑步生涯?是否渴望点燃自己的“酷能”,在荣耀的光环下微笑? 在这本书中,《天生就会跑》作者的教练会用7天的时间重塑你的跑步人生。在这7天里,埃里克会: 带你从脚部力量训练开始,帮你避免伤病,塑造真正的力量; 给你一个正确的跑姿指导,帮你纠正错误的跑步姿势,从而改善你的跑步状态; 从速度和心率出发,为你延展5个月的心肺训练,奠定耐力、力量和速度的基础; 分享新的饮食观念,带你戒糖20天帮你改善运动状态、健康状况; 测度你的跑步人格,帮你进行自我指导; 训练你的思维方式,推动你不断向前,追寻自己的“酷能”…… 《酷能跑步营:7天重塑跑步人生》是你忠实的跑步伙伴,它会陪你跑出每一步、每一公里!放下所有的包袱和恐惧,轻装上阵,去经历你自己的过程,跑你自己的比赛,做你知道自己能够做到的,爱上追寻“酷能”的过程吧! -
在线阅读本书 Join the hundreds of thousands of people who are now running without injury or pain using the ChiRunning method. This new edition is fully updated with fresh insights and innovative training techniques from one of the sport's leading voices. Danny Dreyer teaches us how to heal and prevent injuries and also to run faster, farther, and with much less effort at any age or ability. With more than 150,000 copies in print, this groundbreaking program makes running safe and fun for beginning and seasoned runners, while also giving competitive runners the edge they seek. ChiRunning employs the deep power reserves in the core muscles, an approach found in disciplines such as yoga, Pilates, and in this case T'ai Chi. Make knee pain and shin splints a thing of the past Experience the natural efficiency of the midfoot strike Dramatically reduce your potential for injury Transform your running with our new 10-step training program ChiRunning provides powerful insight and transforms running from a high-injury sport to a body-friendly fitness phenomenon. Join the revolution!