Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Jonathan Safran Foer emerged as one of the most original writers of his generation with his best-selling debut novel, Everything Is Illuminated. Now, with humor, tenderness, and awe, he confronts the traumas of our recent history. What he discovers is solace in that most human quality, imagination. Meet Oskar Schell, an inventor, Francophile, tambourine player, Shakespearean actor, jeweler, pacifist, correspondent with Stephen Hawking and Ringo Starr. He is nine years old. And he is on an urgent, secret search through the five boroughs of New York. His mission is to find the lock that fits a mysterious key belonging to his father, who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11. An inspired innocent, Oskar is alternately endearing, exasperating, and hilarious as he careens from Central Park to Coney Island to Harlem on his search. Along the way he is always dreaming up inventions to keep those he loves safe from harm. What about a birdseed shirt to let you fly away? What if you could actually hear everyone's heartbeat? His goal is hopeful, but the past speaks a loud warning in stories of those who've lost loved ones before. As Oskar roams New York, he encounters a motley assortment of humanity who are all survivors in their own way. He befriends a 103-year-old war reporter, a tour guide who never leaves the Empire State Building, and lovers enraptured or scorned. Ultimately, Oskar ends his journey where it began, at his father's grave. But now he is accompanied by the silent stranger who has been renting the spare room of his grandmother's apartment. They are there to dig up his father's empty coffin. -
From the National Book Award-winning author of The Corrections , a darkly comedic novel about family Patty and Walter Berglund were the new pioneers of old St. Paulthe gentrifiers, the hands-on parents, the avant-garde of the Whole Foods generation. Patty was the ideal sort of neighbor, who could tell you where to recycle your batteries and how to get the local cops to actually do their job. She was an enviably perfect mother and the wife of Walter’s dreams. Together with Walterenvironmental lawyer, commuter cyclist, total family manshe was doing her small part to build a better world. But now, in the new millennium, the Berglunds have become a mystery. Why has their teenage son moved in with the aggressively Republican family next door? Why has Walter taken a job working with Big Coal? What exactly is Richard Katzoutré rocker and Walter’s college best friend and rivalstill doing in the picture? Most of all, what has happened to Patty? Why has the bright star of Barrier Street become a very different kind of neighbor,” an implacable Fury coming unhinged before the street’s attentive eyes? In his first novel since The Corrections , Jonathan Franzen has given us an epic of contemporary love and marriage. Freedom comically and tragically captures the temptations and burdens of liberty: the thrills of teenage lust, the shaken compromises of middle age, the wages of suburban sprawl, the heavy weight of empire. In charting the mistakes and joys of Freedom ’s intensely realized characters as they struggle to learn how to live in an ever more confusing world, Franzen has produced an indelible and deeply moving portrait of our time. -
The Time Traveller's Wife
A dazzling novel in the most untraditional fashion, this is the remarkable story of Henry DeTamble, a dashing, adventuresome librarian who travels involuntarily through time, and Clare Abshire, an artist whose life takes a natural sequential course. Henry and Clare's passionate love affair endures across a sea of time and captures the two lovers in an impossibly romantic trap, and it is Audrey Niffenegger's cinematic storytelling that makes the novel's unconventional chronology so vibrantly triumphant. An enchanting debut and a spellbinding tale of fate and belief in the bonds of love, The Time Traveler's Wife is destined to captivate readers for years to come. -
Of Mice and Men
故事情節簡單,涵蓋的時間不超過三天,地點是一個美國加州的一個牧場。描寫兩個相互扶持的表兄弟——一位是精明的喬治(George),一位是輕度智障兒雷尼(Lennie)。雷尼因為社會適應較差,老是犯錯,搞的兩人無奈地到處換工作。在富人奧謝(Tyler Ranch)的牧場裡,他們努力工作編織夢想,喬治答應雷尼如果他聽話不要闖禍,將來就可以為自己照顧一窩的兔子,眼看著夢想就要成真。有一次雷尼失手勒死了奧謝兒子柯利的太太梅,鑄成大錯,為了躲避的農場伙計們的追打,雷尼逃跑了。當伙計們爭先恐後地追殺雷尼時,喬治為了不讓雷尼被農場伙計們殺死並受到侮辱,搶先找到雷尼。他舉起槍來,把槍口挨近雷尼的後腦杓,將他射殺。 這部小說用來諷刺社會對弱者的歧視,反而不如雷尼對老鼠的疼惜,《人鼠之間》曾因「語言褻瀆,帶攻擊性,並有種族主義傾向」被視為禁書。1962年史坦貝克因這部小說獲得諾貝爾文學獎。 -
My Sister's Keeper
故事的主角叫安娜Anna。她的姐姐凯特Kate在2岁的时候被诊断出患有acute promyelocytic leukemia(急性早幼粒细胞白血病),为了拯救这个孩子,安娜的父母通过体外受精方式生下了和姐姐有着完美基因配型的安娜。从安娜出生时为她的姐姐提供的脐带血细胞开始,每当姐姐的白血病一次又一次的复发,安娜就要不断的提供血液和骨髓来维持姐姐的生命。凯特16岁的时候面临肾衰竭的威胁,而唯一能挽救她的生命的就是肾脏移植手术,由于接受无血缘关系的人的肾脏的成功率不高,他们的家族里又没有适合的肾脏,安娜就需要为姐姐献出自己的一个肾脏,而那时候,她才13岁。然而安娜决定聘请一名律师,要从父母那儿解放自己的身体,赢得自己的“身体支配权”。她的律师亚历山大Campbell Alexander于是为她奔波上诉。 作者在接近尾声的时候才揭开了安娜控告她父母的原因其实是她的姐姐不愿意接受她捐献的肾脏。凯特说她不想再在医院里过她的日子了,她已经准备好了要接受死亡。案件以安娜获得了自己身体支配权为收尾。而就在安娜要宣布自己是否愿意为姐姐捐献出自己的肾脏的时候,她遭遇车祸,头部受伤,脑死亡。不过她的律师持有安娜授权的医学意向书,最终安娜的肾脏还是捐献给了她的姐姐。 结尾处凯特提及她对安娜的死的悲痛。她说她的母亲不断寻找安娜苏醒的迹象。她还说,每当她看到自己身上移植手术留下的深深的疤痕,她就永远不会忘记她的小妹妹。 -
Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But now that she’s made it out of the bloody arena alive, she’s still not safe. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge. Who do they think should pay for the unrest? Katniss. And what’s worse, President Snow has made it clear that no one else is safe either. Not Katniss’s family, not her friends, not the people of District 12. Powerful and haunting, this thrilling final installment of Suzanne Collins’s groundbreaking The Hunger Games trilogy promises to be one of the most talked about books of the year.