
Roland Barthes


Barthes 哲学 RolandBarthes Roland_Barthes 罗兰·巴特 Mythology 文化 Criticism

January 1, 1972

Hill and Wang, Inc.

"[Mythologies] illustrates the beautiful generosity of Barthes's progressive interest in the meaning (his word is signification) of practically everything around him, not only the books and paintings of high art, but also the slogans, trivia, toys, food, and popular rituals (cruises, striptease, eating, wrestling matches) of contemporary life . . . For Barthes, words and objects have in common the organized capacity to say something; at the same time, since they are signs, words and objects have the bad faith always to appear natural to their consumer, as if what they say is eternal, true, necessary, instead of arbitrary, made, contingent. Mythologies finds Barthes revealing the fashioned systems of ideas that make it possible, for example, for 'Einstein's brain' to stand for, be the myth of, 'a genius so lacking in magic that one speaks about his thought as a functional labor analogous to the mechanical making of sausages.' Each of the little essays in this book wrenches a definition out of a common but constructed object, making the object speak its hidden, but ever-so-present, reservoir of manufactured sense."--Edward W. Said This text refers to the Paperback edition.



  • 赵晓生大狮子的评论
    交响诗篇 神话四章[昱] Illuminant -Symphony of Four Mythologies 一,追日(帕萨卡利亚) Chase After the Sun (Passacaglia) 二,奔月(浪漫曲) Fly to the Moon (Romance) 三,填海(谐谑曲) Fill in the Sea (Scherzo) 四,补天(赋格) Patch up the Sky (Fugue) 赵晓生曲 上海愛乐乐团 卡夫卡指挥
  • 麦剑辉5的评论
    我刚在@微盘 发现了一个很不错的文件"Mythologies - Barthes.pdf", 推荐你也来看看! Mythologie...
  • 红阿抽的评论
    No Mythologies to Follow欧版独占Pilgrim (MS MR Remix)+Say You'll Be There+20分钟访谈视频下载【链接:网页链接 密码:by6d】
  • Veratea热茶的评论
    #Orlando Bloom# #每日一开花# 20090311 Private Viewing of 'Mythologies' In Mayfair (via orlandolove)
  • 我为电影狂官微的评论
    #每日一歌#丹麦另类女歌手MØ新专辑同名曲《No Mythologies to Follow》。 音乐
  • 猫叔Mack的评论
    我听过这张专辑《No Mythologies to Follow》 -MØ ★★★★ 网页链接
  • 苏打苏塔的评论
    【Bo Joseph 抽象手绘艺术欣赏】来自艺术家Bo Joseph 的一组抽象手绘艺术欣赏。 Bo Joseph regards art as a means to reconcile diverse and esoteric ideologies, mythologies, and cultures. Like music, visual art may move us without employing a specific lang… 网页链接
  • -渊默-的评论
    The Cult of Draupadi,by ALF HILTEBEITEL 黑公主崇拜 第一卷 MYTHOLOGIES: FROM GINGEE TO KURUKSETRA 网页链接 第二卷ON HINDU RITUAL AND THE GODDESS网页链接 感觉我掉进了一个深不见底的大坑里
  • 偏执预言者的评论
    我听过这张专辑《Mythologies》 -Cheatahs ★★ 网页链接
  • Anonymous_Aki的评论
    我听过这张专辑《No Mythologies to Follow》 -MØ ★★★★★:跟打雷姐不是一个风格啊,都喜欢。Gone and Found为什么会这么好听。 网页链接