
Jack Welch,John A. B


传记 Jack 商业人物传记 Autobiography Welch 个人传记 商业 英文原版


Business Plus

They called him Neutron Jack. They called him the world's toughest boss. And then Fortune called him "The Manager of the Century." In his twenty-year career at the helm of General Electric, Jack Welch defied conventional wisdom and turned an aging behemoth of a corporation into a lean, mean engine of growth and corporate innovation. In this remarkable autobiography-a classic business book and runaway New York Times bestseller now updated with a new afterword by the author-Jack Welch takes us on the rough-and-tumble ride that has been his remarkable life. From his working-class childhood to his early days in G.E. Plastics to his life at the top of the world's most successful company, Welch tells his intensely personal story with his well-known fire and candor. And although it chronicles billion-dollar deals and high-stakes corporate standoffs, Jack is ultimately a story about people-from a man who based his career on demanding only the best from others and from himself. 点击链接进入中文版: 杰克•韦尔奇自传(钻石版)



  • 被陈聚聚逼成肉体饭的饺子的评论
  • PONYO________的评论
    前两天晚上看的哈哈哈哈哈笑死我了! 主持人:你的儿子jack平时都干些什么 德普:他自己组了个乐队 主持人:吉他是你教他的吗?乐队叫什么? 德普:是的,他悟性很好学的很快,乐队的名字我很骄傲,我必须要说一下! “花式晨勃”[眼泪][眼泪][眼泪]
  • 传奇崇尚缄默的评论
    分享了Jack Johnson的单曲《Angel》Angel(@网易云音乐)
  • Dulcet_April的评论
  • 映西漂在无愁河上的评论
    在衣柜里找到校服[眼泪][眼泪][眼泪]想了好久都没起来这个帅到让我发癫的jack是哪个 23333
  • 用户3889532163的评论
    Jack: 时间放在脸上成就美女, 时间放在学习成就智慧, 时间放在市场成就经营, 时间放在家庭成就亲情。 上海·龙柏四村
  • 秋名山车神中里毅的评论
    All work and no play makes jack a dull boy .
  • SDKLJFKJO1239YT95921的评论
    感觉一辈子坐办公室会死掉 入职第一天 超没状态 不记得回信息 不记得跟主管say bye竟然跟Jack再见了 一直打哈欠 培训走神 做事很慢错又多 没检查就把文件发给Florence了[衰] Can I survive..?
  • 没有马先生的评论
    Jack rose 清冽的一大杯 甜.>酸。 nice||
  • Ann-我家有个小Ayla的评论
    我一直很好奇,为什么我同期给咱俩换的牙刷头你能在这么短时间内用成介个样子嘞?@JACK星满 [鄙视][鄙视][鄙视]