
Michael Atiyah


数学 K-theory 拓扑


Westview Press

These notes are based on the course of lectures I gave at Harvard in the fall of 1964. They constitute a self-contained account of vector bundles and K-theory assuming only the rudiments of point-set topology and linear algebra. One of the features of the treatment is that no use is made of ordinary homology or cohomology theory. In fact, rational cohomology is defined in terms of K-theory.



  • Strongart教授的评论
    在读《K-Theory for Operator Algebras》 “以前看电子版的,看了一半就扔下了,现在开始重读实体书啦~” 网页链接
  • Strongart教授的评论
    非交换几何(五)【视频】_李良青_Vector bundle,characteristic class and K-theory for C*-algebras– 超星学术视频 网页链接
  • VigourShadow的评论
    收藏了《代数 K-理论》(K-theory)扫描版[DJVU] #VeryCD资源收藏# 网页链接
  • Datician的评论
    General Topology; Geometric Topology; Group Theory; History and Overview; Information Theory; K-Theory and Homology; Logic; Mathematical Physics; Metric Geometry; Number Theory; Numerical Analysis; Operator Algebras; Optimization and Control;
  • 数学浅言的评论
    K理论书:Bass, H., Algebraic K-Theory; Browder, W., Algebraic Topology and Algebraic K-theory; Hatcher, A., Vector Bundles and K-Theory; Karoubi, M., K-theory. An introduction; Milnor, J., Introduction to algebraic K-theory; Rosenberg, J., Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications
  • Contrapunctus_的评论
    在读《An Introduction to K-Theory for C*-Algebras》 网页链接
  • 綦一起的评论
    Prof. Spencer Bloch, an American mathematician known for his contributions to algebraic geometry and algebraic K-theory, will give a course on Introduction to Hodge Structures from Nov. 3 to Dec. 29.
  • G弦上的YY的评论
    书籍《K-Theory》 (来自豆瓣) 网页链接
  • 苏清涟的评论
    开始证明菱形的又一猜测:quasi-elliptic spectrum是global equivariant commutative ring spectrum。后者的定义在Schwede那本355页的global homotopy书最后一章。Schwede的老板就是"Waldhausen S-construction"(即如何由任一stable category构造出一与之对应的K-theory spectrum)中的这位Waldhausen。
  • Strongart教授的评论
    读过《K-Theory for Operator Algebras》 ★★★★★ “算子K-理论的极品好书啊,内容丰富而且叙述很有启发性,可以视为作者Blackadar, Bruce的第一本同类风格的Operator a..” 网页链接