
James Stewart


数学 Calculus 教材 textbook 微积分 Mathematics


Brooks Cole

Success in your calculus course starts here! James Stewart's CALCULUS texts are world-wide best-sellers for a reason: they are clear, accurate, and filled with relevant, real-world examples. With CALCULUS: EARLY TRANCENDENTALS, Sixth Edition, Stewart conveys not only the utility of calculus to help you develop technical competence, but also gives you an appreciation for the intrinsic beauty of the subject. His patient examples and built-in learning aids will help you build your mathematical confidence and achieve your goals in the course!



  • 吃鱼小分队的评论
  • 植栽的评论
    Cute pairing of Crassula columnaris (丽人) and Conophytum calculus (翡翠玉), somewhere s/e of Nuwerus.
  • 黄黑土豪学霸粽爱民的评论
    考完试回家做pipe做到现在 最近真是缺觉TAT 明天回家要把calculus做完...还有French Assessment也是周五之前交TAT.......我只想静静地刷会儿微博。。
  • 孔祥東XiangdongKong的评论
    MathStudio Express - Symbolic graphing calculator for algebra, calculus and statistics 作者是 Pomegranate Apps 网页链接
  • 潘驴邓小忙的评论
    Currying的意义到底是什么?实现lambda calculus?
  • 艾菲_effi的评论
    Fucked up my calculus paper [大哭]
  • 噜噜鹿1020的评论
    虽然大部分老师都不讲课 但是至少还有Dr Spencer 假期也是发邮件秒回 感动 好好学习calculus[强壮]
  • RlWyXw_48的评论
    Mom is the best! Whatever she cooks is always delicious and healthy. [馋嘴] Btw, later 8am we'll be taking our first midterm subject for year2 sem1... CALCULUS!!! [抓狂] Hope we can do well together in the test! You know what, sharing is caring, furthermore it's open book test!
  • Neutrino仁波切的评论
    Just realize my English fluency increases under alcohol influence omg... Reminds me how I was doing calculus in Boston when I'm almost drunk; I puked right after doing [Integrate] (#&%…) dx... Drunk math is the way to go!
  • 聪明的E-sha姐姐的评论
    不知道讲calculus有什么好激动的[挖鼻][挖鼻][挖鼻] 秒拍视频 .