
Nassim Nicholas Tale


思维 心理学 社会学 哲学 Taleb 英文原版 美国 现代性


Random House

From the bestselling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a book on how some things actually benefit from disorder. In The Black Swan Taleb outlined a problem, and in Antifragile he offers a definitive solution: how to gain from disorder and chaos while being protected from fragilities and adverse events. For what Taleb calls the “antifragile” is actually beyond the robust, because it benefits from shocks, uncertainty, and stressors, just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension. The antifragile needs disorder in order to survive and flourish. Taleb stands uncertainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary, and proposes that things be built in an antifragile manner. The antifragile is immune to prediction errors. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is everything that is both modern and complicated bound to fail? The book spans innovation by trial and error, health, biology, medicine, life decisions, politics, foreign policy, urban planning, war, personal finance, and economic systems. And throughout, in addition to the street wisdom of Fat Tony of Brooklyn, the voices and recipes of ancient wisdom, from Roman, Greek, Semitic, and medieval sources, are heard loud and clear. Extremely ambitious and multidisciplinary, Antifragile provides a blueprint for how to behave—and thrive—in a world we don't understand, and which is too uncertain for us to even try to understand and predict. Erudite and witty, Taleb’s message is revolutionary: What is not antifragile will surely perish.



  • MondLyrik的评论
    #bilibili#《玲音》(Serial Experiments Lain) 1998【DVDRip】【中文字幕】EP [01]-[13] UP主:Antifragile 《玲音》(Seria...
  • 叫我肥琳的评论
  • JeffXiong的评论
    想读《Antifragile》 网页链接
  • 慕清Qing-Crystal的评论
    时间的齿轮六年后卡的如此精准,曾经给自己的纪念品,肿瘤君今年也上映成电影话剧,尽管无暇观赏。去年还只能看看不说话的黑五,今年有所拔草了,感谢电商的发展。每年的今天都在印证我的反弹轨迹。强悍的人生要有能力随时重启。to be stronger And antifragile[奥特曼][奥特曼][奥特曼]
  • sunshine_LEO静的评论
  • 蒋超Joanson的评论
    2015年做的最高大上的事情就是,在摇曳的高铁卧铺上看诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Nassim nicholas taleb的巨作《反脆弱》,Antifragile[微笑]
  • 极橙齿科_塔尔盖的评论
    2015*45 Antifragile. 核心的概念:脆弱的反面不是结实而是“反脆弱”。一个玻璃杯是脆弱的,一个金属杯是结实的,但有些事物是“反脆弱”的,就是外部越动荡,这类事物越受益。基本上经历过时间考验的事物都具有这个特性:进化、文化、科技…像这个作者的每一本书一样,非常震撼。推荐指数:5颗星!
  • 豐溪閑談的评论
  • 底槽青的评论
    刚刚下载了豆丁文档:Antifragile_ Things That Gain From Disor - Nassim Nicholas Taleb网页链接