
[美] 马克·凯什岚斯基,帕特里克·吉尔


历史 文明史 英文 西方文化 英文引进 History 交叉学科(文化,历史,生命)



Detailed Contents Preface Supplements About the Authors INTRODUCTION: The Idea of Western Civilization Chapter 1 The First Civilizations Chapter 2 Early Greece,2500-500 B.C.E. Chapter 3 Classical and Hellenistic Greece,500-100 B.C.E. Chapter 4 Eady Rome and the Roman Republic,800-146 B.C.E. Chapter 5 Imperial Rome,146 B.C.E.-192 C.E. Chapter 6 The Transformation of the Classical World,192-500 Chapter 7 The Classical Legacy in the East: Byzantium and Islam Chapter 8 The West in the Early Middle Ages,500-900 Chapter 9 The High Middle Ages,900-1300 Chapter 10 The Later Middle Ages,1300-1500 Chapter 11 The Italian Renaissance Chapter 12 The European Empires Chapter 13 The Reform of Religion Chapter 14 Europeat War,I555-I648 Chapter 15 The Experiences of Life in Early Modern Europe,1500-1650 Chapter 16 The Royal State in the Seventeenth Century Chapter 17 Science and Commerce in Early Modern Europe Chapter 18 The Balance of Power in Eighteenth-Century Europe Chapter 19 Culture and Society in Eighteenth-Century Europe Chapter 20 The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era,1789-1815 Chapter 21 Industrial Europe Chapter 22 Political Upheavals and Social Transformations,1815-1850 Chapter 23 State Building and Social Change in Europe,1850-1871 Chapter 24 The Crisis ofEuropean Culture,1871-1914 Chapter 25 Europe and the World,1870-1914 Chapter 26 War and Revolution,1914-1920 Chapter 27 The European Search for Stability,1920-1939 Chapter 28 Global Conflagration: Wodd War Ⅱ,/939-1945 Chapter 29 The Cold War and Postwar Economic Recovery,1945-1970 Chapter 30 The End of the Cold War and New Global Challenges,1970 to the Present 词汇与注释


