Structure and Change in Economic History

Douglass C. North


经济学 制度经济学 经济史 经济史上的结构和变迁 历史


W. W. Norton & Company

Contents Preface ix Part I • Theory 1 Chapter 1 • The Issues 3 Chapter 2 • An Introduction to the Structure of Economies 13 Chapter 3 • A Neoclassical Theory of the State 20 Chapter 4 • A Framework for Analyzing Economic Organization in History 33 Chapter 5 • Ideology and the Free Rider Problem 45 Chapter 6 • Structure and Change in Economic History 59 Part II • History 69 Introduction 71 Chapter 7 • The First Economic Revolution 72 Chapter 8 • The Organizational Consequences of the First Economic Revolution 90 Chapter 9 • Economic Change and Decline in the Ancient World 113 Chapter 10 • The Rise and Decline of Feudalism 124 -vii- Chapter 11 • Structure and Change in Early Modern Europe 143 Chapter 12 • The Industrial Revolution Reconsidered 158 Chapter 13 • The Second Economic Revolution and Its Consequences 171 Chapter 14 • Structure and Change in the American Economy, 1789-1914 187 Part III • Theory and History 199 Chapter 15 • A Theory of Institutional Change and the Economic History of the Western World 201 Bibliography 211 Index 221
In this bold, sweeping study of the development of Western economies, Douglass C. North sets forth a new view of societal change. At the core of Professor North's investigation is the question of property rights, the arrangements individuals and groups have made through history to deal with the fundamental economic problem of scarce resources. In six theoretical chapters, Professor North examines the structure of economic systems, outlines an economic theory of the state and the ideologies that undergird various modes of economic organization, and then explores the dynamic forces such as new technologies that cause institutions to adapt in order to survive. With this analytical framework in place, major phases in Western history come under careful reappraisal, from the origins of agriculture and the neolithic revolution through the political economy of the ancient and medieval worlds to the industrial revolution and the economic transformations of the twentieth century. Structure and Change in Economic History is a work that will reshape many established explanations of the growth of the west.


