
Ha Jin


哈金 小说 英文原版 中国人写的英文小说 HaJin fiction 美国 English



This is the story of Lin Kong, a man living in two worlds, struggling with the conflicting claims of two utterly different women as he moves through the political minefields of a society designed to regulate his every move and stifle the promptings of his innermost heart.. "For more than seventeen years this devoted and ambitious doctor has been in love with an educated, clever, modern woman, Manna Wu. But back in the traditional world of his home village lives the wife his family chose for him when he was young - a humble and touchingly loyal woman, whom he visits in order to ask, again and again, for a divorce. In a culture in which the ancient ties of tradition and family still hold sway and where adultery discovered by the Party can ruin lives forever, Lin's passionate love is stretched ever more taut by the passing years. Every summer, his compliant wife agrees to a divorce but then backs out. This time, Lin promises, will be different.. "Tracing these lives through their summer of decision and beyond, Ha Jin vividly conjures the texture of daily life in a place where the demands of human longing must contend with the weight of centuries of custom. Winner of the 1999 National Book Award



  • 头顶胖次蹦蹦哒的评论
    Not a lot happened but truelly don't wanna this day to pass and to be done, while the only thing I can do is waiting till the last second. T.i.c.k.t.o.c.k. Ti.ck.to.ck. Ticktock. Ticktockyocktock...
  • 乐乐乐乐什么乐的评论
    #苏打绿印夏天# I 'm Always waiting for you 手动笔芯 [爱心]️ 喜欢寂寞
  • SyrupM1的评论
  • 荣荣i3的评论
    The best fashion show is definitely on the street.Always has been and always will be.It never occurred to me that I 'm just waiting.—— Bill Cunningham[相机][蓝心]一個50年拍了5萬個姑娘,卻一輩子沒能愛過的人...要和這樣的人say goodbye 真難。他可能是除知名紐約地標外,紐約市裡最容易
  • 立立立立立_的评论
    ♡肉松篇小时候特别不爱吃饭,我麻麻没办法的时候就买肉松罐头,让我一口肉松一口饭就着吃,肉松的实际作用>贝贝开胃宝。▹以下无雷区,都是精品。① 少女食代购肉松小贝 ② 北京鲍师傅③ 南京杨记 ④ 碳水家肉松盒子⑤ 美丽家南湖Q饼 ⑥ 甜心格格蛋黄酥⑦ 私家小厨娘肉松小贝 ⑧ Waiting拾光
  • __Paranoia丶的评论
    Skip the puddles, around the villages, waiting the fate. 绍兴·天地永和
  • JacxeeChin的评论
    JacxeeChin的歌《Right Here Waiting》真的太棒了!!快来听听!!。试听地址: 网页链接
  • 请叫我周小姐的评论
    大理~waiting me[爱你]『大理|好的攻略讲人话,想太多连隔壁村都去不了 - 简书』网页链接
  • xjh-xxx的评论
    #今日贴纸打卡#Bangkok waiting for me. 香港特区·香港国际机...
  • 李赫宰DE拔拔跋的评论
    【D-381】#李赫宰# 宝宝以后终于可以正常说晚安了[闭眼]忽然想起来今天6.27了,去年的今天在上海见面了是吧~~一年后的现在我正在攒钱等下一次见面[羞嗒嗒][噢耶]@haohaohyuk Good night oppa[月亮]miss you. Waiting for you.