All About Coffee
REPRINT. Special Description Note- This is not a print on demand edition. Care has been taken to enhance and improve the original text whenever possible. Martino Publishing follows the standards of traditional printing and quality is a primary concern. We distinguish ourselves from Print on Demand by our quality controls, paper quality and binding quality. Octavo. English xiv, 818 p. col. front., illus. (incl. ports., music) col. plates., diagrs. New York: The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Company, 1935. Second Edition. New Copy. The second and standard edition of this definitive work on the history and influence of coffee. Covers the historical, technical, scientific, commercial, social and artistic dimensions of coffee. A still unsurpassed work on the subject. Lavishly illustrated, with color plates. -
A History of the World in 6 Glasses
Whatever your favourite tipple, when you pour yourself a drink, you have the past in a glass. You can likely find them all in your own kitchen — beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, cola. Line them up on the counter, and there you have it: thousands of years of human history in six drinks. Tom Standage opens a window onto the past in this tour of six beverages that remain essentials today. En route he makes fascinating forays into the byways of western culture: Why were ancient Egyptians buried with beer? Why was wine considered a “classier” drink than beer by the Romans? How did rum grog help the British navy defeat Napoleon? What is the relationship between coffee and revolution? And how did Coca-Cola become the number one poster-product for globalization decades before the term was even coined? From the Hardcover edition. -
《咖啡:黑色的历史》包括我们现在的生活方式、咖啡的起源、中国的启示、穆哈港的贸易、咖啡与社会、穆哈港的衰落、奴隶制度与咖啡殖民地、欧洲大陆体系与拿破仑的咖啡替代品、拿破仑与圣赫勒拿岛等十八章内容,为大家讲述咖啡和圣赫勒拿岛的这段黑色历史。 -
《食帖02:只为喝杯好咖啡》,是食帖品牌的第二本纸质出版物,以“咖啡”为主题,从咖啡种植开始讲起,收集全球产地信息,揭开烘焙与冲煮方式带来的差异,邀请世界顶级咖啡师、评审员、咖啡馆与咖啡品牌创始人,探索咖啡永不止息的进化,并分享有关一杯好咖啡的秘密。 -
这是国内首创、业界推崇的“咖啡师主题”第一读物!铂澜咖啡学院创始人、著名咖啡专家、畅销书作家齐鸣多年实践、厚积薄发,将自己从业近10年的咖啡实践、咖啡师培训、咖啡馆经营等宝贵经验倾囊相授。 全书以“咖啡师”为主题线索展开论述,将咖啡专业技术与咖啡、咖啡馆文艺气质相结合,不仅深入讲解了咖啡师吧台实操所需的各项核心技能(如咖啡豆选购、烘培、研磨、萃取、咖啡鉴赏学、咖啡器具与制作、Espresso全程实战等),还从多个侧面全方位展现了咖啡馆中所需的各种知识和能力。同时,专门介绍了咖啡师职业发展、咖啡行业历程与前景等知识,并开辟有“咖啡师群英会”一章,全景式展现了全球一线优秀咖啡师的咖啡之道。 这里有咖啡师想知道、所需要的一切! 全书权威性强,系统全面,重点突出;语言精炼,文采斐然;内容实用、图文并茂。堪称咖啡师和准咖啡师的必备行业指南,也是广大咖啡爱好者、从业者了解咖啡师行业的好窗口。 -