《SPSS统计分析方法及应用》是北京市高等教育精品教材立项项目,全书以统计分析的应用需求为主线,以通俗易懂的语言对SPSS中的主要统计分析方示和枋心思想进行系统的介绍,并对基在SPSS中的操作实现步骤进行详尽说胆。 -
《现代非参数统计》是“An of Nonparametric Statistics”的中译本,源于作者为研究生开设的课程讲义,包括了几乎所有的现代非参数统计的内容.这种包罗万象的书不但国内没有,在国外也很难找到。《现代非参数统计》主要包括10章内容,主要讲述非参数delta方法和自助法之类的经验CDF、覆盖基本的光滑方法和正态均值、利用正交函数的非参数推断、小波和其他的适应方法等。 -
Damned Lies and Statistics
Does the number of children gunned down double each year? Does anorexia kill 150,000 young women annually? Do white males account for only a sixth of new workers? Startling statistics shape our thinking about social issues. But all too often, these numbers are wrong. This book is a lively guide to spotting bad statistics and learning to think critically about these influential numbers. "Damned Lies and Statistics" is essential reading for everyone who reads or listens to the news, for students, and for anyone who relies on statistical information to understand social problems. Joel Best bases his discussion on a wide assortment of intriguing contemporary issues that have garnered much recent media attention, including abortion, cyberporn, homelessness, the Million Man March, teen suicide, the U.S. census, and much more. Using examples from the "New York Times", the "Washington Post", and other major newspapers and television programs, he unravels many fascinating examples of the use, misuse, and abuse of statistical information. In this book Best shows us exactly how and why bad statistics emerge, spread, and come to shape policy debates. He recommends specific ways to detect bad statistics, and shows how to think more critically about 'stat wars', or disputes over social statistics among various experts. Understanding this book does not require sophisticated mathematical knowledge; Best discusses the most basic and most easily understood forms of statistics, such as percentages, averages, and rates. This accessible book provides an alternative to either naively accepting the statistics we hear or cynically assuming that all numbers are meaningless. It shows how anyone can become a more intelligent, critical, and empowered consumer of the statistics that inundate both the social sciences and our media-saturated lives. -
Mind on Statistics
Editorial Reviews Product Description Develop a conceptual understanding of statistical ideas and learn to find meaning in data with MIND ON STATISTICS and its accompanying online learning tools. Utts and Heckard explain statistical topics through excellent examples and case studies, balancing the spirit of statistical literacy with the statistical methodology. You'll develop your statistical intuition by focusing on analyzing data and interpreting results, rather than on mathematical formulation.Your purchase includes access to iLrn Homework, an online tool that guides you through problem solving, as well as access to a live online tutor and an online university library. About the Author Jessica Utts is a Professor of Statistics at the University of California at Davis, where she joined the faculty in 1978. She received her B.A. in Math and Psychology at SUNY Binghamton, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Statistics at Penn State University. She is the author of SEEING THROUGH STATISTICS (3rd edition, 2005) and the co-author with Robert Heckard of STATISTICAL IDEAS AND METHODS (1st edition, 2006) both published by Duxbury Press. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of CYBERSTATS, an interactive online introductory statistics course. Jessica has been active in the Statistics Education community at the high school and college level. She served as a member and then chaired the Advanced Placement Statistics Development Committee for six years, and was a member of the American Statistical Association task force that produced the GAISE (Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education) recommendations for Elementary Statistics courses. She is the recipient of the Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award and the Magnar Ronning Award for Teaching Excellence, both at the University of California at Davis. She is also a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Beyond statistics education Jessica's major contributions have been in applying statistics to a variety of disciplines, most notably to parapsychology, the laboratory study of psychic phenomena. She has appeared on numerous television shows, including Larry King Live, ABC Nightline, CNN Morning News and 20/20, and most recently appears in a documentary included on the DVD with the movie "Suspect Zero." Robert F. Heckard is a senior lecturer in statistics at the Pennsylvania State University, where he has taught for over 30 years. He has taught introductory and intermediate applied statistics to more than 15,000 college students. Bob has been awarded several grants to develop multimedia and web-based instructional materials for teaching statistical concepts. He is the co-author of STATISTICAL IDEAS AND METHODS (1st edition, 2006, Duxbury Press) and is a co-author of CYBERSTATS, a web-based introductory course. As a consultant, he is active in the statistical analysis and design of highway safety research and has frequently been a consultant in cancer treatment clinical trials. -
有人说“统计不容易学”,那是没遇到一本好书。 作为一本本科生和研究生的教材,本书系统地介绍了常规专业调研工作中常用的统计分析方法及其基本原理,并就如何实际操作提供了具体说明和案例。这使得本书还可作为实务工具书、超越一般统计方法的教学参考书或专业著作。本书体现了作者多年的理论功底和丰富的实践经验,具有内容丰富、深入浅出、推理明晰和实用性强的特色。 -
《多元统计分析方法》涉及多元统计分析中最常见的九种方法:回归分析、时间序列分析、方差分析、判别分析、逻辑回归、联列表与相合性分析、因子分析、聚类分析和联合分析。在行文时,作者把对数学基础的要求降到了最低限度,自始至终利用一个例子,通过通俗易懂的语言阐述有关方法的原理和运用,并从方法运用的角度出发,介绍了SPSS软件在有关方而的运行步骤,重点说明读者在运用这些方法时可以把握和调整的方面以及每个方法客观的一面。《多元统计分析方法》可以整本作为教材,也可以根据需要参阅各章的内容,各章具有相对独立性。 《多元统计分析方法》所有的运算部是用SPSS 15.0简体中文版完成的,运算的主要步骤通过屏幕截图展示给读者,使得读者能够很快掌握SPSS的运用。我们选取了通俗易懂的市场研究方面的例子,确保各专业的读者都能够理解例子的含义,并通过例子掌握各种方法的运用,进而能够融会贯通到其他的应用领域。读者可以在本朽的官网http://www,multivariate.de得到更进一步的信息,我们将为中国读者没立一个特别的区域,使得不懂德语的读者也可以在网上得到我们的有关服务。 《多元统计分析方法》可以作为非数学专业本科和研究生的教材,也可以作为各专业研究人员和工程技术人员的工具书。