抽象代数讲义 第2卷
The present volume is the second in the author's series of three dealing with abstract algebra. For an understanding of this volume a certain familiarity with the basic concepts treated in Volume I£ogroups, rings, fields, homomorphisms, is presup-posed. However, we have tried to make this account of linear algebra independent of a detailed knowledge of our first volume.References to specific results are given occasionally but some of the fundamental concepts needed have been treated again. In short, it is hoped that this volume can be read with complete understanding by any 'student who is mathematically sufficiently mature and who has a familiarity with the standard notions of modern algebra. 此书为英文版! -
The present volume is the first of three that will be published under the general title Lectures in lbstract fllgebra. These vol-umes are based on lectures which the author has given during the past ten years at the University of North Carolina, at The Johns Hopkins University, and at Yale University. The general plan of the work is as follows.The present first volume gives an introduction to abstract algebra and gives an account of most of the important algebraic concepts. In a treatment of this type it is impossible to give a comprehensive account of the topics which are introduced. Nevertheless we have tried to go beyond ?the foundations and elementary properties of the algebraic sys-tems. This has necessitated a certain amount of selection and omission. We feel that even at the present stage a deeper under-standing of a few topics is to be preferred to a superficial under-standing of many. 此书为英文版! -
《高等学校教材:近世代数基础(修订本)》是张禾瑞同志1952年著《近世代数基础》的修订本,内容除第一版中的基本概念、群论、环与域、整环里的因子分解等四章外,还增加了关于“护域”的内容。《高等学校教材:近世代数基础(修订本)》可作为综合大学数学系和高等师范院校有关专业的教学参考书。 -
本书全面叙述了代数学的基础知识,包括群论、环论、域论及主理想整环、多元多项式理论等。对于教授和学习方法也作了精心的安排,同时提出了多种建议。本书对许多数学术语的语源给出了较为详细的介绍;注重代数学与现代计算机理论知识的结合;许多概念都有作者本人的独到见解。另外,每一小节后均配有一定数量、难易不等的习题,书后还附有解答与提示,便于教学和自学。 本书可供高等院校数学系师生及相关工程技术人员参考。 -
高等近世代数,ISBN:9787111191605,作者:(美)罗特曼 -
抽象代数基础 抽象代数课程是大学数学系的主干基础课之一。本书共分三章。第一章:群,包括群的同态,群在集合上的作用,Sylow定理,有限Abel群的结构等。第二章:环,包括环的同态,理想,主理想整环,环上的模等。第三章:域,包括域的扩张,有限域,迹,伽罗氏基本定理等。 本书写得既通俗易懂,又含金量高,把抽象代数的基本内容用一条主线来组织,脉络清晰,阐述清楚。书中有丰富的例子,帮助读者理解和掌握抽象的概...