
Edward W. Said


Orientalism Said 文化研究 历史 东方学 人类学 文化 塞义德



Said is best known for describing and critiquing "Orientalism"; what he perceived as a constellation of false assumptions underlying Western attitudes toward the East. In Orientalism (1978), Said decried the "subtle and persistent Eurocentric prejudice against Arabo-Islamic peoples and their culture". [1] He argued that a long tradition of false and romanticized images of Asia and the Middle East in Western culture had served as an implicit justification for Europe's and America's colonial and imperial ambitions. Critiquing Said, Christopher Hitchens, who writes for Vanity Fair, wrote that he denied any possibility "that direct Western engagement in the region is legitimate" and that Said's analysis cast "every instance of European curiosity about the East [as] part of a grand design to exploit and remake what Westerners saw as a passive, rich, but ultimately contemptible 'Oriental' sphere". [2] The British historian Bernard Lewis is another important critic who took issue with Said's work. The two authors exchanged a famous polemic in the pages of the New York Review of Books following the publication of Orientalism. Lewis' article, "The question of orientalism" was followed in the next issue by "Orientalism: an exchange".



    #双対性# 2 Orientalism is a deeply rooted and long...
  • 毕少女的评论
    入睡失败终于开始看orientalism(拖延症没救) 大大真的好屌啊哈哈哈哈处处神之嘲讽 比如:“it is reported bu some of the early 19th century German Orientalists that their first view of an eight-armed Indian statue cured them completely of their orientalist taste" [拜拜]
  • 周啊舟pilgrimage的评论
    #ARTH103# Cubism. Picasso and Braque. fragmented the figure, femme fatale, new way of showing space. sometimes monochromatic. Analytic cubism to Synthetic cubism. Orientalism (Primitivism). Collage.
  • 另外一个尼扣酱的评论
    Presentation有人做关于Orientalism,然后有人提问说你怎么看Gwen Stefani这样特别喜欢东洋元素的艺人[微笑][微笑] (本来听得我都要睡了听到名字瞬间清醒= =
  • SASA是要好好生活的Lisa的评论
    夏天开始也算是跑过一些乡村博物馆,城市古董店。所谓的appropriation by the West或是Orientalism,比如在家里桌子上放俩魂瓶什么的。当博物馆试图展示真和authority,那拍卖行古董店可能就是用巧语卖东西吧,无关真伪,只管新奇与售价。#关于要不要做行业内##nerd的牛角尖#
  • 新闻工厂的评论
    #新闻快讯#【纽约时报】Arts: "A Video Artist Playing With Themes of Orientalism‘’ 网页链接
  • 凝秋无适的评论
  • H0TKiD的评论
    看有人评论饭岛爱的pray是orientalism 想说 讲得好对
  • 找不到刚下的蛋的鸡的评论
  • 阿基米德酱酱酱的评论
    Pop Orientalism -- Tin Pan Alley to Taiwan Today Pop Orient...(分享自 @优酷)TED演讲,关于介绍中国音乐,特别讲述了王力宏的贡献。