
Tina Fey


TinaFey 传记 女性 英文原版 美国 Biography 自传 Humor


Reagan Arthur Books

Before Liz Lemon, before "Weekend Update," before "Sarah Palin," Tina Fey was just a young girl with a dream: a recurring stress dream that she was being chased through a local airport by her middle-school gym teacher. She also had a dream that one day she would be a comedian on TV. She has seen both these dreams come true. At last, Tina Fey's story can be told. From her youthful days as a vicious nerd to her tour of duty on Saturday Night Live ; from her passionately halfhearted pursuit of physical beauty to her life as a mother eating things off the floor; from her one-sided college romance to her nearly fatal honeymoon -- from the beginning of this paragraph to this final sentence. Tina Fey reveals all, and proves what we've all suspected: you're no one until someone calls you bossy. ( Includes Special, Never-Before-Solicited Opinions on Breastfeeding, Princesses, Photoshop, the Electoral Process, and Italian Rum Cake!)



  • 伊娃ECY的评论
    趁着养病看完了这本Bossypants。Tina Fey无愧是一个才华横溢多作家,全书语言简单易懂,风格幽默,以一种平易近人的方式把作者观点,不乏一些犀利的分享给大家。喜欢Tina的原因之一在于她承认自己有时是个缺乏对峙能力的怂货。这点我这个怂货颇有共鸣和感触。图2分享文中我最喜欢的一段话。#打卡读书
  • SETmEYErsh的评论
  • 姜泽OTW的评论
    #看美剧学小词# 分享的是三个关于boss的词 第一个,bossy,boss的形容词,意思是喜欢指使他人。第二个,boss around,发号施令或者是使唤某人。 第三个,bossypants,这是一本书的名字,到我也在美剧里面看到了,意思就是什么事情都要管的人,俗称管家婆。 多查英文字典才能理解得更深刻。
  • 琳琳0_0找饭友ing的评论
    啊啊,感谢second city 感谢tina fey小姐。不买你的书我会对不起你的,改日就入Bossypants!
  • HansonHe的评论
    读过《Bossypants》 ★★★★ “怎么能可以如此机智有趣又犀利。这种feminist最有智慧的” 网页链接
  • 嘟嘟小红牛的评论
    大儿童的节日看了个应景电影却不知为何泪崩不止,时间果然还是会改变很多东西。我们都在长大,唯一不变的唯有变。跟@Bossypants 聊了很多,很多正能量,决定开始尝试一些改变,或者说提升。坚持,一年。
  • 路人乙丁的评论
    梦见Patrick邀我跟他回酒店被我婉拒因为我想睡的是Dan………#做梦都坚守原则##The Black Keys# 顺便,想起Tina Fey在Bossypants intro里说过的,When choosing sexual partners, remember: Talent is not sexually transmittable.[doge]
  • 陈晨_Calculasian的评论
    读完了一本新的书~我的偶像Tina Fey写的《Bossypants》风趣幽默,同时也很自然地讲出了很多道理。推荐给和我一样想要追求事业但同时也想保持一颗乐观单纯的心,并且非常喜欢American humor的女生们看!另外推荐一下Goodreads这个网站,记得多多读书哟~[呵呵]
  • 漱石枕流思秋期的评论
    今天刚收到的[爱心] 终于有本命的球衣了,还有很喜欢的上赛季客场 再抽一次 #柏龙杯# @Bossypants @人家闺女有花戴 @Euyihz
  • SugarlessGirlCapsule的评论
    读过《Bossypants》 我的评分:★★★ Don't waste your time on trying to change or educate other people's opinions 网页链接 来自@豆瓣App