A Movable Feast

Ernest Hemingway


Hemingway 海明威 巴黎 美国 外国文学 小说 美国文学 英语

Published posthumously, this account of Hemingway's early years as a struggling writer in Paris in the 1920s may well have undergone further revision had Hemingway not taken his own life. Yet it was the best and most heartfelt work he had done for years, a return to the form of the early stories and the first novels. It tells the story of the sweet innocence of his first years in the Rue Moufftard with his wife, the literary friendships, the cafes and the delight which he enjoyed: both in the city and in discovering his own voice. Anyone who loves Paris will enjoy it and anyone who has affection or respect for Hemingway's work will find it deeply moving.


